Rating of educational programs KEUK - 2020 by NPP "Atameken"

Rating of educational programs KEUK - 2020 by NPP "Atameken"

Every year the Karaganda Economic University participates in the rating of educational programs held by the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Atameken". By order of the Ministry of Education and Science, its experts rank all universities in Kazakhstan with the involvement of employers.
The main criteria for the rating of NPP "Atameken": the percentage of employed graduates and their average salary, as well as the duration of job search after graduation. Career prospects, EP quality and student achievements were also taken into account.
Of the 18 educational programs of our university that participated in the assessment, 7 entered the "ten" best among the universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan:

1st place - Food technology
3rd place - Customs
4th place - Standardization and certification
6th place - Marketing
7th place - International relations
8th place - Logistics
9th place - Restaurant business

In addition, State and local government - 11th place, Information systems - 15th place, Jurisprudence - 17th place, Tourism - 20th place
Note that the results of this rating allow, including applicants, to assess the demand for a future specialty, see the average salary, and assess how easy it will be to find a job.
Details on the link: https://www.keu.kz/ru/keuk-o-nas/2012-04-12-1212.html

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