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  • Scientific seminar on the topic "Registration of projects for competitions for grant financing and commercialization of scientific results" for teachers, graduates and doctoral students of KEUK.

Scientific seminar on the topic "Registration of projects for competitions for grant financing and commercialization of scientific results" for teachers, graduates and doctoral students of KEUK.

Scientific seminar on the topic "Registration of projects for competitions for grant financing and commercialization of scientific results" for teachers, graduates and doctoral students of KEUK.

On January 8, 2021, candidate of technical sciences, professor of the department of “Marketing and Logistics”, and concurrently chief researcher Scientific Research Institute for Economic and Legal Research Sarzhanov Dauren Kazhabergenovich held a scientific seminar for teachers, graduates and doctoral students of KEUK. Seminar included the consideration of issues of the projects’ structure, where to start the submission of application, and how to secure it in the NCSTE(National center of science and technology evaluation) via https://is.ncste.kz/login
Following questions were asked during the discussion:
- structure of projects, especially the economic part;
- accreditation of an individual as a subject of scientific and scientific and technical activities through the PSC (public service center) and the EGOV.KZ portal (https://egov.kz/cms/ru/services/accreditation/pass205_mon);
- registration of a package of documents for free registration of ISBN through the Book Chamber of the Republic of Kazakhstan, http://kitap-palatasy.kz/;
- a registration mechanism and obtaining certificates of intellectual property and other documents of title through the portal of the National Institute of intellectual property (https://kazpatent.kz/ru)


Scientific seminar on the topic "Registration of projects for competitions for grant financing and commercialization of scientific results" for teachers, graduates and doctoral students of KEUK. Scientific seminar on the topic "Registration of projects for competitions for grant financing and commercialization of scientific results" for teachers, graduates and doctoral students of KEUK.
Scientific seminar on the topic "Registration of projects for competitions for grant financing and commercialization of scientific results" for teachers, graduates and doctoral students of KEUK. Scientific seminar on the topic "Registration of projects for competitions for grant financing and commercialization of scientific results" for teachers, graduates and doctoral students of KEUK.
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