SEMINAR «Рухани жаңғыру – ұлттық сана қалыптастырудың кепілі»

SEMINAR «Рухани жаңғыру – ұлттық сана қалыптастырудың кепілі»

On December 8, 2020 at 12.00 a regional scientific seminar on "Spiritual revival - the key to the formation of national consciousness" was organized by the Department of Kazakh Language and Culture of Kazakhstan of Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz.
The purpose of the scientific seminar is to provide a significant response to the activities carried out in the country under the program of President Nursultan Nazarbayev "Focus on the Future: Spiritual Renewal."
Seminar guests:
1. Professor of KSU named after Sh. Ualikhanov, Candidate of Philological Sciences SN Zhambek;
2. Teacher of KSU named after Sh. Ualikhanov, Candidate of Philological Sciences Kazhybay AT
3. Kenzhebek A.Kh., head of the Center for Spiritual Revival, Zhezkazgan University named after OA Baikonurov.
4. Akhmetzhanova Zh.B., associate professor of EA Buketov KarU
5. Toiganbayeva AM, Deputy Director for Academic Affairs, MSO "Balkhash Service College" in Balkhash.
6. Kyzylov NT, Master of the Department of Civil Engineering, Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz and teachers of the department and university students
At the scientific seminar "National cognition and national consciousness" (Karaganda Economic University, Associate Professor of the Kazakh language and culture of Kazakhstan Akatayeva Sh.B.), "Abai's poetry and national idea"
(Professor of KSU named after Sh. Ualikhanov, Candidate of Philological Sciences SN Zhambek), "Spiritual revival - the key to our success" (Zhezkazgan University named after OA Baikonurov, head of the Center for Spiritual Revival AH Kenzhebek ), "Traditions and culture of the Kazakh people"
(Teacher of the Department of Social Work and Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan, Master Kyzylov NT), "The idea of Alash and the spirit of independence" (Karaganda Economic University, Associate Professor of the Kazakh language and culture Topashov MA)
In the course of the speeches, the national idea in Abay's works, national interests, national character, public consciousness, which determines the future of society and contributes to the preservation of the country's interests, were discussed.
During the seminar, participants asked questions, had a discussion, the seminar achieved its goal.


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