Visiting the nursing home «Grace»

Visiting the nursing home «Grace»October 4, 2019 in the nursing home "Grace" youth resource center of Karaganda region together with representatives of the volunteer club "VOLTEQ", whose members are 1st year students of the faculty of business and law of Karaganda economic University, was held a festive charity event " Қарттар асыл қазынам " dedicated to the day of older people.
The Kazakh people have long considered the elderly wealth and always treated with respect to the older generation. The main purpose of the event is to educate the young generation of moral qualities and charity.
The students prepared a concert program, in which the elderly themselves took part with pleasure. One big family all participants sang songs on karaoke, danced and played different games.


Visiting the nursing home «Grace» Visiting the nursing home «Grace» Visiting the nursing home «Grace»
Visiting the nursing home «Grace»   Visiting the nursing home «Grace»
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