«The Doors Open Day of KEU»

«The Doors Open Day of KEU»

On February 23, 2019, the faculty of business and law held the « The Doors Open Day of KEU". The guests of the event were about 120 students of schools and colleges of Karaganda, as well as students of Kokpekty secondary school. Graduates facing the choice of profession and University, with interest visited classrooms, the library of the University, specialized rooms of the faculty. Heads of departments and teachers gave detailed information about educational programs, demonstrated the latest equipment and tools trainings. Volunteers-students of the faculty of business and law, told about interesting student life in KEU; prepared competitions, games and organized a dance battle, which participants were students and College students. «The Doors Open Day of» is over, and ahead - new meetings with our future students!


«The Doors Open Day of KEU» «The Doors Open Day of KEU» «The Doors Open Day of KEU»
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 «The Doors Open Day of KEU» «The Doors Open Day of KEU»  «The Doors Open Day of KEU»



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