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  • Implementation of the program “Ruhani zhangyru” and program articles of the leader of the nation N.A.Nazarbayev.

Implementation of the program “Ruhani zhangyru” and program articles of the leader of the nation N.A.Nazarbayev.

Implementation of the program “Ruhani zhangyru” and program articles of the leader of the nation N.A.Nazarbayev.

As part of the implementation of the program «Ruhani zhangyru», the department of «Social work and Assamley of the people of Kazakhstan» held a number of measures, including conferences, round tables, meetings, during which the following issues were discussed: problems of religious spirituality, equality of civil rights and freedoms, religious extremism and terrorism, etc.
The work carried out was aimed at the formation of a new historical thinking, the study of cultural heritage, familiarization with the objects of sacred geography; studies of the factors preventing the spread and influence of the ideology of religious extremism and terrorism and, in general, the formation of a tolerant attitude in the sphere of interethnic and interfaith relations, the formation of responsible citizenship, spirituality, involvement in volunteer and voluntary activities. Students of all specialties took an active part in holding round tables, seminars and conferences.


Implementation of the program “Ruhani zhangyru” and program articles of the leader of the nation N.A.Nazarbayev. Implementation of the program “Ruhani zhangyru” and program articles of the leader of the nation N.A.Nazarbayev. Implementation of the program “Ruhani zhangyru” and program articles of the leader of the nation N.A.Nazarbayev.
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