
We extend to Sagindykova Asemgul our congratulations on her earning the 1st grade Diploma in the XXIII International scientific conference “Freedom and Law”. Sagindykova Asemgul is a 1st year master’s student of specialty 6M030100 “Jurisprudence”. Topic of the report: “The concept and essence of corruption”.
The report was prepared under supervision of Bulat Seytkhozhin, senior researcher of the Legal Research Laboratory of the Research Institute of Economic and Legal Studies. Conference was held on the 26th of February in Kemerovo, Russian federation.
We congratulate Sagindykova Asemgul and Bulat Seytkhozhin with Diploma of a 1 degree and we wish new creative successes!


KarEU of Kazpotrebsoyuz invites you by April 10, 2018 the International scientific and practical on-line conference named

«Theoretical, legal and law enforcement issues of improvement of the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the conditions of the fourth industrial revolution»


The team of the research Institute for economic and legal research of the Karaganda economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz congratulates doctor of Law., professor Bakishev Kairat Alihanovich; doctor of Economics, Professor Rakhmetova Aibota Muratovna, doctor of Law, associate professor Fetkulov Alikzhan Halelovich with the positive decision of the National research Council on grant financing of scientific researches for 2018-2020 for the priority area "Scientific basis of "Mangilik El" (education of the XXI century fundamental and applied studies in humanities).
We wish our winners every success, good health and family happiness !!!

Advanced Mathematics Olympiad

Chair of Advanced Mathematics of Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz invites students of economic specialties of Universities and colleges to the Olympiad, which will be held on November 23, 2017 at 14.30.
The application must be sent until November 20, to the email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with the note: "for the Olympiad " in the following form:



University / College

Contact. Tel.

On all questions of interest, please call: 87079532084. Responsible - Beysenalina Saule Tolepbergenovna.


The academic year 2017-2018 begins with actively participation of the students of the university and college, employees and teachers in the action - bookcrossing “Read by yourself - give to another!”. Become an active participant in book exchange.

Dear applicant!!!

Dear applicant!!!

According to the Statement of the Republic of Kazakhstan Government we declare to you about the passing grade decrease on the profile subjects from 15 to 5 points! Karaganda Economic University invites applicants and their parents for daily consultations receiving at 9 Akademicheskaya St., phone: 8 (7212) 44-15-72

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