Multilingual Education Centre offers 3 months IELTS exam preparation course for students and teachers of KEUK.

Multilingual Education Centre offers 3 months IELTS exam preparation course for students and teachers of KEUK.

Do you dream ........ ??????
- to enter Master or PhD degrees in Kazakhstani or foreign universities,
- to participate in the international programs “Bolashak”, “TEMPUS”, “Erasmus +”, “Fulbright”, “Chevening Scholarship”, World Bank Scholarships Program, etc.
- to go within the framework of academic mobility to the leading universities of the world
We will help you to realize your dreams! Multilingual Education Centre offers 3 months IELTS exam preparation course for students and teachers of KEUK. Classes will be held 3 times a week online (by Skype) by an experienced teacher, a scholarship holder for the international program “Bolashak”, an alumni of Queen’s University Belfast. Limited number of seats. Learners with higher than Intermediate level are accepted until 30.09.2017.!
If you have any questions, please contact MEC (office 281) Tel .: +77212441624 (ext. 6525)

Электронный университет
3D тур КЭУ