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  • Round table for students and undergraduates on "New Horizons of Civil Service under the President's program «100 concrete steps»

Round table for students and undergraduates on "New Horizons of Civil Service under the President's program «100 concrete steps»

Round table for students and undergraduates on "New Horizons of Civil Service under the President's program «100 concrete steps»On May 29, 2015 the department of "Economic Theory and state and local government" headed by the prorector for Reaserch d.e.sc., professor A.A. Taubaev and moderator c.e.sc., professor M.K. Zhetpisbayeva held a round table for the students and undergraduates on "New Horizons of Civil Service under the President's program «100 concrete steps»

Presented reports:
1. "Prospects for employment of graduates of the specialty "SLG" in the conditions of formation of Kazakhstan professional state apparatus" - Taubaev A.A., prorector for Research, d.e.sc., professor.
2. "The objectives of the first institutional reform to achieve the nation's plan to enter the top 30 developed countries of the world" ("100 concrete steps"). Steps: 1,2,3,4. – c.e.sc., docent Colin M.K.
3. "The transition to payment by results" - Doctor PhD Musataeva A.A.
4. "100 нақты қадам – Ұлттық жоспардағы мемлекеттік басқаруды дамыту қадамдарының ерекшелігі - "State and local government" specialty 1 year undergraduate Ertay Kh.

Round table for students and undergraduates on "New Horizons of Civil Service under the President's program «100 concrete steps» Round table for students and undergraduates on "New Horizons of Civil Service under the President's program «100 concrete steps»
Round table for students and undergraduates on "New Horizons of Civil Service under the President's program «100 concrete steps» Round table for students and undergraduates on "New Horizons of Civil Service under the President's program «100 concrete steps»
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