Stay at KEUK of Kuznetsova A.R.

Stay at KEUK of Kuznetsova A.R.Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz is a leading university in Kazakhstan. There is formed a high-quality research, innovation, intellectual and cultural potential. The primary credit for this belongs to the, professor, Rector of the University - Erkara Balkaraevich Aymagambetov.
The quality of training starts from the library. Its' director is Lidia Schmidt, she diligently and efficiently perform her jobs. There are concentrated unique informational resources and rich library fund, that allows a comprehensive study, investigation processes and issues bachelors and masters and doctoral students.
The university pays a lot of attention to the formation of a healthy generation. A huge role in this have teachers of the department of physical education, including a bright professional and altruistic person - Antonina V. Artemenko, who collects materials for training sessions with students all over the world.
The great impression left a visit to the University's Center of educational television which is led by Marina T. Nikolaevna. In the TV studio students can try themselves in the role of presenters, teachers can comfortably record their video lectures. I would like to express my gratitude and high professionalism to photographer - Ivan Stepanovich.

Stay at KEUK of Kuznetsova A.R. Stay at KEUK of Kuznetsova A.R. Stay at KEUK of Kuznetsova A.R.

Special thanks for the excellent organization of the meeting, training sessions and cooperation I would like to express personally to the dean of the Faculty of Economics and Management Galiya Ilyasovna Gimranova, head of the Department of Economics and Management - Zaure Abildinovna Salzhanova, docent Omarkhanova Zhibek Maksutovna and the entire personnel of the Department of Economics and Management. Thanks to them, the visit to the museum "In memory of the victims of political repressions" at Dolinka became possible, it was unforgettable and touching experience.
Within the framework of master classes and training sessions on the subject "Human resource management in the agricultural sector" the names of students who actively participated in them should be noticed, and, of course, I believe that they are capable of reaching great heights in life. They are Arinov Bakhytzhan, Fedyakov Pavel, Turlubekova Marjan, Demshanov Ruslan, Tlepbergen Nazerke, Hasanov Ulykbek, Perdebek Meruet, Dzhunusova Madina, Nurgazina Zhanar, Oleg Kim, Arynova Meruert, Roman Novikov, Anshakova Violetta and many others.
In conclusion, once again I would like to wish you all good, the implementation of goals and objectives, well-being. Further constructive and fruitful mutual cooperation between Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz and Bashkir State Agrarian University will undoubtedly grow and develop.
A.R Kuznetsova,, professor of organization and management department of the Bashkir State Agrarian University

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