Scientific trip to Balkhash: safety research in mining and construction industries

Scientific trip to Balkhash: safety research in mining and construction industries

As part of the implementation of the scientific project "Criminal law and criminological measures to ensure safety in mining or construction works" (AR OGRN 19675171), from June 25 to June 30, 2023, members of the research group Abiev E.S. (master of law degree, senior lecturer) and Mazhit I.B. (master's student) were sent in the city of Balkhash.


According to the implementation plan of the grant project of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, meetings were held with the head of the Kazakhmys Smelting Corporation's copper smelter in Balkhash, Tusupbekov Aidar Omirbayevich, chairman of the Balkhash court Sagimbekova L. A., and director of the Konyrad mine.

The members of the research group, following a pre-developed questionnaire, conducted a survey of employees aimed at assessing the organization of safety during mining and construction work. Statistical data on criminal cases initiated and terminated under Article 277 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan were also analyzed, and regulatory documents regulating occupational health and safety in the corporation were studied.

As a result of the business trip, a survey was conducted of 9 employees of mining and construction enterprises, as well as 3 judges. Additionally, the corporation's regulations related to occupational safety and the organization of safety measures at enterprises in the mining and construction industries were studied.

Scientific trip to Balkhash: safety research in mining and construction industriesScientific trip to Balkhash: safety research in mining and construction industriesScientific trip to Balkhash: safety research in mining and construction industries

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