Advanced training courses "Marketing and Mass Media" have been completed

Advanced training courses  "Marketing and Mass Media" have been completed

In the period from May 24 to May 31, intensive refresher courses on the topic "Marketing and mass media" were held at the university for employees of the KSU "Centralized Library System of Karaganda".

The development of digital technologies and the Internet, openness and accessibility of information lead to the fact that companies must be ready to adapt their marketing strategies and use a variety of media channels to reach the target audience.

It was a unique opportunity for the librarians of our city to enrich their knowledge and skills in the field of marketing and promotion through the media.

The lecturers of the course were Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor of the Department of Marketing and Logistics Igisinova Sh.S. and Director of the Center for Educational Television of the University Abdykeeva M.Zh.

The librarians of the city of Karaganda have acquired valuable tools and knowledge that will help them make library services even more accessible and attractive to our residents. "Now we are ready to implement new marketing strategies, promote our services in the media and attract more people to reading and education," the audience noted.

The course "Marketing and Mass Media" is relevant and in demand for those who seek to develop in the field of marketing and master modern methods of promoting products and services through media channels.



Advanced training courses  "Marketing and Mass Media" have been completed Advanced training courses  "Marketing and Mass Media" have been completed Advanced training courses  "Marketing and Mass Media" have been completed
Электронный университет
3D тур КЭУ