Memorial Day for Victims of Political Repression

Memorial Day for Victims of Political Repression

The Day of Political Repression is one of the tragic pages of the history of Kazakhstan. Over the past 10 years, archives have been opened that allow us to find out the exact number of repressed people, in what conditions they were held, what laws restricted them and from the standpoint of humanity and humanism. On the eve of this day, the Department of Socio – Political Disciplines and the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan organized a round table.

The round table was attended by Vice-Rector for Social Affairs of the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz Almaz Sabitovich Orynbekov, Deputy Chairman of the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan of the Karaganda region, Professor of Karaganda Medical University Vilen Borisovich Molotov-Luchansky, Representative of the Chechen-Ingush Ethnocultural Association "Vainakh" Chairman of the Council of Elders Isakiev Sulim Isakievich, teachers of the Department of Socio-Political Disciplines and Assemblies of the People of Kazakhstan" Smagulov Saken Gazizovich and Aldabayeva Guldana Tleukabilovna.

The results of this round table will become the basis for further actions towards preserving the memory of the victims of political repression and preventing similar events in the future.



Memorial Day for Victims of Political Repression Memorial Day for Victims of Political Repression Memorial Day for Victims of Political Repression
Memorial Day for Victims of Political Repression   Memorial Day for Victims of Political Repression
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