First steps in science

First steps in science

From September 21 to 25, 2020, the faculty of business, law and technology invites 1st-year students to a series of webinars "First steps in science". You will learn how to write a scientific article, create a competitive project, and perform various types of training tasks with high quality and excellent results.

World cleanliness day

World cleanliness dayOn September 19, 2020, activists and volunteers of the EC KEUK "Bonum" together with the headquarters of "Saryarqa Jastary" took part in the regional subbotnik, as part of the world cleanliness day. During the subbotnik, volunteers cleared the shore of the Fedorovsky reservoir of garbage on the principle of "separate garbage collection" and 50 seedlings were planted along the coastal zone.
Let's save the nature together!

A competition of FBLT for the vacant educational grant

The Faculty of Business, Law and Technology announces a competition for the vacant educational grant of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the educational program 6B11102 "Restaurant and hotel business", year of admission to the university is 2019, the language of instruction is Russian.
Students applying for vacant educational grants of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan must submit the following documents to the dean's office by December 30, 2020:

1) application for participation in the competition
2) a copy of the identity card
3) transcript
4) characteristic
5) dean's letter of recommendation

Academic mobility

Academic mobilityInternational programs, projects and Academic mobility Center of Karaganda economic university of Kazpotrebsoyuz glad to congratulate 4-year course students Ms. Gadjieva Saida and Ms. Aitova Zariya with getting Ernst Mach scholarship for studying at the Karintia University of applied Sciences (city of Villach, Austria) during autumn semester 2020-2021. We wish them good luck!

TBI "Co-working center "Dostyk" organized student participation in online seminar on business incubation and financing start-up projects

TBI "Co-working center "Dostyk" organized student participation in online seminar on business incubation and financing start-up projects

As part of the roadmap for the implementation of the Memorandum of understanding and cooperation between QazTechVentures JSC and the Karaganda economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz, the Dostyk Coworking center organized students participation in online seminar on business incubation and financing of startup projects.
Developing the skills of technological entrepreneurship is impossible without immersing students in a real project. In this light, the material of QTV expert Alan Utegulov, who spoke about the possibilities of venture financing, aroused particular interest.
Also, an interactive online master class on “New trends in marketing” was held from the Director of the marketing and communications Department of QazTech Ventures JSC Sh. Dosmakhanbet.
This master class helped the participants:
- get acquainted with the latest global trends in marketing;
-take a fresh look at the company and personnel management system;
- discover the tools of business development;
- learn how to launch innovations in all the company's business processes;
- learn Best Practice-experience of the best and most successful companies in the world.
The master class was very informative and exciting. Students were able to ask interesting questions, share their knowledge, and, of course, get new ones.

«Kazakhstan in a new reality: time for action»

«Kazakhstan in a new reality: time for action»

On September 14, 2020, at the Faculty of Business, rights and тechnology, a series of events began to explain the Address of President Kasym-Zhomart Tokayev to the people of Kazakhstan «Kazakhstan in a new reality: time for action».
At the meeting with the students, the Vice-Rector for Social Affairs, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Abilov K.Zh. He stressed that the Address clearly outlined the main directions of our country's life in the new reality, gave explanations on each item of the Action Plan and urged students to be active in solving the most important tasks of the state.
A business and interesting dialogue took place between the students and the Chairman of the Karaganda regional branch of the youth wing «Zhas Otan» Ye.B. Khamitov. In a conversation with students, Yerzhan Bolatovich spoke about the President's program «Zhastar Otanha», about the participation of students in primaries, the volunteer movement in a pandemic, cooperation with our university and answered questions from students.
It is very important for student youth to understand that for civil and professional self-realization it is necessary to constantly work on oneself, to improve in order to effectively solve the strategic tasks of the state.

Student research work: from student-researcher to professiona

Student research work: from student-researcher to professiona

Involvement in research work is an effective way to unleash the creative potential of students, increase their motivation for educational activities. To this end, on September 9-11, 2020, the dean's office and coordinators of the scientific research work of the Faculty of Business, Law of Technology held webinars on the organization of research work at the faculty and at the university, on the requirements and forms of participation in various competitions of student research projects and conferences, the importance of research skills in professional activity.
The Vice-Rector for Research, Innovation and Strategic Development, Doctor of Economics, Professor Gulmira Yermekovna Nakipova addressed the freshmen with a welcoming speech, and senior students spoke about their research experience and achievements. We are confident that distance-learning freshmen will be able to actively participate in research work.
For advisory assistance, teachers of the faculty and senior students will be organized master classes and trainings on the implementation of scientific projects, writing scientific articles and essays, the implementation of abstracts and reports. Participation in SRWS from the first year is an opportunity to make your student years the most interesting and fruitful!

Library without borders

Library without borders

In the first days of study at the university, freshmen began to worry about the questions "How to get access to educational literature, does our library have such opportunities?" Answers to these questions were given at a webinar-training organized by the dean's office of the Faculty of Business, Law and Technology in conjunction with the university library.
At the webinar-training, students visited the library departments through a virtual tour, got acquainted with the traditions of the student theater "Inspiration", functioning at the university library, received information about the interactive system for searching library information, about the database "Law", "Standards" and EBSCO, scientific electronic database eLIBRARY.RU and access to various full-text and bibliographic databases provided by the KEUK library. At the online training, students were shown the technology of working with an electronic catalog.
Freshmen of the faculty are already registered in the EBS IPRbooks and can prepare for classes with high quality, using the latest educational and scientific literature available to them.

Entrance exam for the PhD program

On August 19. 2020 the entrance exam to the doctoral program was held. The exam was attended by 13 people, including 2 applicants for the group of educational programs D070 «Economics» and 11 applicants for the group of educational programs D071 «State and local government»

Be careful of water!

Be careful of water!

With the onset of summer and hot weather, many residents prefer to spend their free time on the reservoirs, rivers and lakes of our country. Bathing in water and warming up in the sun keep you awake and improve your efficiency. However, not all holidaymakers think about observing the safety rules when bathing.
When bathing, the following actions are prohibited:
- to enter the water and swim under the influence of alcohol or drugs;
- to jump into the water from boats, launch, wharves, and structures that are not adapted for this purpose;
- to dive in unverified and unequipped areas;
- to swim behind the buoys that mark the boundaries of the swim;
- to swim on objects that are not intended for swimming;
- to pollute and litter reservoirs;
- to leave garbagge on the beach and in the changing rooms that can damage vacationers;
- to give false alarms;
- to climb technical and warning signs, buoys;
- to enter the water children without adult supervision.

Chief of the civil defense staff N. Alimkulov



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