Visit of the Romanian Delegation headed by the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Romania to the Republic of Kazakhstan, Mr. Cesar Manole Armeanu

Visit of the Romanian Delegation headed by the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Romania to the Republic of Kazakhstan, Mr. Cesar Manole ArmeanuOn the 24th of August, 2017 the visit of the Romanian delegation headed by the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Romania to the Republic of Kazakhstan Mr. Cesar Manole Armeanu has been carried out with the aim of discussing the projects of possible cooperation. There were on a delegation the first secretary for trade and economic affairs of the Romanian Embassy in Kazakhstan Nicolae Pavaluca, the pro-rector for research and international cooperation of the “Spiru Haret University” Ramona Mihaila-Stefanescu, representatives of the Ush Pro Business cluster Costin Liana and Christina Ilie, representatives of HEVECO Costin and Gabriela Trandafir, and director of the Romanian Pavilion at EXPO-2017 Christian Kutash. At the end of the meeting were reached agreements on directions for further cooperation and exchange of experience as well as has been signed an agreement on cooperation between Karaganda Economic University and “Spiru Haret” University.

Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz became a full member of the Association of Asian Universities on the 24th of June 2017

Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz became a full member of the Association of Asian Universities on the 24th of June 2017The Association of Asian Universities was created with the purpose of increasing of efficiency of functioning of the higher education system in the Asian region, the introduction of advanced educational experience, achievement of cooperative effect in the framework of the international educational community, expansion of cooperation and partnerships between educational institutions in the Asian region.
Currently the Association has more than 65 higher education institutions from Kazakhstan, Russia, Kyrgyzstan, China, Mongolia, Tajikistan, Thailand and Armenia.

Visit of professor, PhD Martin Pelucha from the University of Economics, Prague

From 19 to June 30, 2017 in the Karaganda economic university take place guest lectures "Regional Government, Regional Policy in the context of Process of the European Integration and Social and Economic Transformations in the Czech Republic" by associated professor, PhD of the University of Economics, Prague Martin Pelucha.
The University of Economics, Prague is the higher educational institution located in Prague, the Czech Republic. The university has been founded in 1953 and today it is the largest economic university in the Czech Republic. The honourable title of the University of Economics, Prague "doktor honoris causa" was received by the famous Czech and foreign economists, including Nobel Prize laureates Robert Mundell, Milton Friedman and Gary Becker.
The University of Economics, Prague consists of 6 faculties, 50 departments at in which education students can study in 79 educational programs. There are 20 thousand students in university. University has more than 700 qualified teachers, and some experts from the partner organizations – the economic, industrial, trading, auditor and consulting companies. The important place in activity of university is taken by the international cooperation. The university cooperates with more than 200 universities worldwide included Karaganda economic university of Kazpotrebsoyuz, London School of Economics, Universität zu Köln or Universita Degli Studi di Bologna.

Guest lectures of Szent Istvan University’s (Hungary) professor, PhD László Vasa

From June, 29 to July, 01 in 2017 professor, PhD of University Szent Istvan (Hungary) László Vasa visits to Karaganda economic university with guest lectures in "Social infrastructure of agrarian and industrial complex: the theory, practice and the prospects of development".
The Szent Istvan University is one of the most known highest educational institutions of Hungary and consists of 8 faculties with number of students more than 15 000 people. There are educational programs for bachelor, master and PhD studies in 8 faculties where studying in such sciences as natural sciences, the equipment and veterinary science for business, economy, social sciences, medical sciences and pedagogics.
The Szent Istvan University supports all directions of internationalization and actively promotes holding the international events with their partners, and one of them is Karaganda economic university.

Participation in the world conference on the topic: "Tourism and future energy:reducing CO2 emissions".

Participation in the world conference on the topic: "Tourism and future energy:reducing CO2 emissions".From June 26 to June 27, 2017 at 9: 00 hours in the Congress center of Astana EXPO-2017 has held the "world conference "Tourism and future energy: reducing CO2 emissions". The conference was attended by our teachers of the Department "Tourism and catering" Gusikova A. K., Zhetpisova S. U. Z. A. Abdurakhmanov
This conference was attended by representatives of 150 countries, 22 United Nations and volunteers from 46 countries. The conference program was divided into three sessions: Session 1: "Sustainable transport and mobility in tourism", Session 2: "energy of the future in the hospitality business and the housing industry"Session 3: "low-carbon model for sustainable tourism development".
Was also attended by UNWTO Secretary-General, Talebi Rifai, who was the organizer of this conference. The conference was held under the leadership of our Kazakh delegation with the support of the Prime Minister of Kazakhstan, the Ministry of culture and sports of Akimat of Astana city, of the Board of JSC national company Astana Expo-2017, MEGA Center management", Samruk-Kazyna.
Addressed the issue of sustainable tourism development is a very important event for the global economy of the year of tourism, which is based on stability, where we have discussed various types and aspects of tourism is a social, economic, environmental, aviation, medical, air, space tourism, pointing to the introduction of new innovations.
Today and tomorrow we will come to sustainable tourism, but you need to make great efforts to further our world flourished and "Tourism and the energy of the future: is important in tourism. Sustainable development of tourism is an important sector and a tool, where there are natural areas and principles of development of green economy, specific policies, the prosperity of tourism in the future.


TOURISTS RETURNED FROM TOURIST TRAINING TRIPS1st year students of specialty "Tourism" in the period from 05.06.2017 for 10.06.2017 year internship (training campaign) to sanatorium-health camp Kooperator" in Karkaraly national Park (Karkaralinsk) under the leadership of the heads of the Queen and the V. V. and A. A. Mamurogawa
As a result of passing of educational practice, the student learned the basic information of the organization and conduct of Amateur tourist hikes, the method of preparation of a tourist campaign, the methods of the camping trip. Learned how to prepare a camping trip and conduct a camping trip.
During the campaign, the students received practical skills in tourism. They were treated: the rocky Hiking, mountain equipment, knitting knots, downhill, rock climbing rappelling, petal. And also, the development of the route, making the routing of documents, gear,nutrition, elements of topography and orientation on the terrain, the movement of a group in a route, General physical training, hygiene of the tourist, aid.

Become richer allows the specialty "Tourism"

Become richer allows the specialty "Tourism"Agree that "travel is the only thing, buying that, getting richer". A trip with the aim of obtaining new knowledge is doubly doomed to success. The students of the specialty "Tourism" KEUK 25 June 2017 came from international practice, which was held in Budapest (Hungary). Practice was organized at the Institute of applied Sciences. J. Kodolanyi. The programme has been studied peculiarities of organization of individual kinds of tourism (active, business, cultural) and the formation of tourism products of Hungary. "We've got a variety of unforgettable experiences. What you see here will allow us to continue the practical work after University to introduce new approaches of the organization of tourist routes for foreign tourists. I also want to Express my gratitude for this opportunity to our University and especially rector E. B. Aimagambetov" says student Tour-31k Shakenova Aisha.

Academic mobility

Academic mobilityStudents of the group SW-23sk specialty "Social Work" from 06.02.2017 to 30.06.2017 received training in academic mobility at Belgorod State University "NIU" in the city of Belgorod. During the academic mobility under the leadership of BelSU "NIU" was held the 2nd international forum of youth of the SCO countries. According to the students, a lot of modern teaching methods were used in the teaching process, which give students the logical thinking and analysis, to draw independent conclusions. And also, the education in BelSU gave the students the opportunity to fill life with various sports and cultural events.
The students express deep gratitude to the rector of KEUK Aimagambetov Yerkara Balkaraevich and to the Department of Social Work and Socio-Political Disciplines for the opportunity to study abroad in the framework of academic mobility! Our students recommend becoming participants of academic mobility to everyone who is looking for new experience and impressions.

Guest lectures of PhD, professor Janusz Tečke of the Krakow University of Economics (Poland)

Karaganda Economic University is one of the Kazakhstan institutions of higher education that signed the Great Charter of European Universities. Our university is a member of a number of international organizations, in particular: the International Association of Universities, the European Association of Universities, the EdNet Association of Educational Institutions, the Council of Cooperative Universities of CIS countries and others.
KEU actively cooperates with international organizations and their representative offices in Kazakhstan. In particular, the program of the countries of the European Union Erasmus +, the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), the British Council's Newton Al-Farabi Partnership Program. Every year the geography of international cooperation of our university is expanding, it concerns the directions of academic mobility, joint scientific research, participation in international programs.
Within the framework of international cooperation, foreign professors lecture for undergraduates and doctoral students. So, from June 5 to 17, the Vice-Rector for Research and International Cooperation of the University of Cracow, Professor, Doctor of Economic Sciences, reads his lectures at KEU. Janusz Techke. The scientist has great merits in the development of science and education in the context of the Bologna process and the development of international cooperation with our university.
It should be noted that Professor Janusz Techke is not the first time in our university. In 2013 he became an honorary professor at the Karaganda Economic University. A scientist from Krakow is an indispensable participant in various global economic forums of our time. His knowledge is shared with students around the world, he lectured at leading universities in Europe and America. For students, undergraduates and teachers of the Karaganda University of Economics Y. Techke prepared a course of lectures on the discipline "Management in modern societies". His lectures are very popular among listeners, and the benevolence and communication skills of Janusz Techke enable our undergraduates and doctoral students to reveal their abilities and to study the topic more deeply.

London Professor’s online lecture

London Professor’s online lectureOnline lecture for multilingual teachers of KEUK on the theme «Critical Thinking in the classroom (Teaching subjects in English for non-native speakers)» according to E-learning system was organized by Multilingual Education Centre in June, 2017. Online lecture was conducted by Director of International Business Development Program, Senior Lecturer of Strategic and Operation Management, Critical Thinking and MBA at Brunel University (London, Great Britain), PhD Abraham Althonayan in order to develop a multilingual education in the framework of international cooperation with Brunel University. During online lecture teachers actively participated in implementation of practical assignments for the development of critical thinking and shared the experience of applying critical thinking in the teaching disciplines in English.


THE MEETING OF THE SCIENTISTS OF KARAGANDA ECONOMIC UNIVERSITY OF KAZPOTREBSOYUZ AND FOREIGN PROFESSORS FROM HUNGARY AND CZECH REPUBLICIn 27 June, 2017, Karaganda Economic University held the meeting between the Vice-Rector for Scientific Work, Strategic and Innovative Development, Doctor of Economic Sciences, professor M.R. Sihimbayev, the scientists of the Institute of Economic and Legal Studies, Doctor of Law, Professor Khanov T A., Doctor of Economics, professor Ainabek K.S., Doctor of Economic Sciences, professor Sihimbaeva D.R. and foreign professors, Dr. Laszlo Vasa from the University of Saint Istvan (Gödöllö, Hungary) and Martin Peluha, PhD from the University of Economics (Prague, Czech Republic).
The main vector of the meeting was aimed at the development of scientific and pedagogical cooperation, the exchange of the experience for the development and strengthening of relations between Karaganda Economic University and foreign universities in order to increase the scientific level and improve the teaching skills of scientists and teachers.
The issues of development and strengthening of further relations between higher education institutions were discussed at the meeting with the view of deepening the improvement of teachers' teaching skills, opportunities for further training for employees and joint research activities that meet the needs of both the university science and the prospects for commercialization of the results of international scientific projects for the development of creative initiatives Students, undergraduates, doctoral students and young scientists. Foreign professors shared their scientific plans and interests, expressed a keen interest in further creative cooperation between universities. During the meeting strategic directions for further implementation of agreements on creative cooperation between the universities and joint scientific projects were outlined.

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