Discussion of the message of the President of Kazakhstan Republic with students

Discussion of the message of the President of Kazakhstan Republic with students

Teachers of Foreign and Russian languages department of Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsouz in dormitory №3 was held discussion “Prospects of the country’s development in the light of the message of the President of the Republic Kazakhstan“ The third modernization of Kazakhstan: Global competitiveness.

The event consisted of 2 parts: the first was conversation about the prospects of development and the second was quiz “ The message experts” and “ own game” In discussion had participated students of F-11к: Bekenova A; Sadykova Sh; Amangeldinova T; Otegen A; In quiz “ Own game” twice winning place was taken by Baimagambetov D, the student L-15с/к and has shown brilliant knowledge.

Discussion of the message of the President of Kazakhstan Republic with students  Discussion of the message of the President of Kazakhstan Republic with students

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