• Платонус

  • ATTENTION! From January 20, 2021, the official name of the university was changed to "PRIVATE INSTITUTION "KARAGANDA UNIVERSITY OF KAZPOTREBSOYUZ" All contracts concluded before the date of re-registration are valid until the conditions are fully met. Please take into account the change in the name of the university when sending documents to our address.


Explanation of the anti-corruption policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan: meeting of students with experts

Explanation of the anti-corruption policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan:...

On September 12, 2024, a meeting of students with employees of the Prevention Department of the Anti-Corruption Service of the Karaganda region and the head of the compliance service of the University took place at the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz.  The purpose of this meeting was to...
Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz accepts DuoLingo English Test certificates!

Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz accepts DuoLingo English Test...

We are proud to announce that Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz, along with other universities in Kazakhstan and a thousand worldwide accept the Duolingo English Test and uses results in the admissions process (Graduated and International Exchange).
Scientific trip to Balkhash: safety research in mining and construction industries

Scientific trip to Balkhash: safety research in mining and construction...

As part of the implementation of the scientific project "Criminal law and criminological measures to ensure safety in mining or construction works" (AR OGRN 19675171), from June 25 to June 30, 2023, members of the research group Abiev E.S. (master of law degree, senior lecturer) and Mazhit I.B. (master's...
The start of the academic path: Knowledge Day 2024

The start of the academic path: Knowledge Day 2024

On September 2, 2024, a solemn event dedicated to the Day of Knowledge, a symbolic start of the academic path for new students, was held at the Palace of Culture of Students of Karaganda Kazpotrebsoyuz University. This day has become a real celebration of knowledge, creativity and inspiration. The...
Improving the quality of education: Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz at a workshop in Astana

Improving the quality of education: Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz...

Representatives of the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz participated in an intensive workshop titled "Management in Higher Education: Setting Up an Internal Quality Assurance System" in Astana. The goal of the intensive course was to develop key competencies of administrative and managerial...
The intensive course for the preparation for the master’s degree in English has been completed

The intensive course for the preparation for the master’s degree in...

From June 17th to July 13th of 2024, an English course for applicants to the Master’s degree was held at the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz organized by the Multilingual Education Centre and the Center of Career and Professional Development of university. For more than 4 weeks, participants...

Creation of educational-innovation center "Electronic Tax Committee" initiated by the University (letter dated from 29th of January 2008 at the Ministry of Finance) and supported by the Tax Committee of the MF RK agreed with the Tax Department at the Karaganda region drafting the partnership agreement.

In a joint project implemented a program ITIS RK - Integrated Tax Information System of the Republic of Kazakhstan, designed for comprehensive automation of the tax committees of Kazakhstan.

The Universityaim - a real embodiment of innovative ideas in the educational process of training financiers, accountants who have mastered the specific software products.

Integrated Tax Information System (ITIS)

ITIS Kazakhstan is a distributed information system that provides information environment tax authorities of the RK, taxpayers, and the Ministry of Finance.

The program has a 3-level structure “republic - the area – region”, where all the nodes of the system combined corporate network. The nodes of the two upper levels of function in the on - line mode of interaction, the third (regional) level is in the mode off - line.

The main tasks of the system:

*Registration of taxpayers;

* Maintenance of personal accounts;

* Organizational management;

* Decision support.

ITIS includes the following components:

* Register;

* Accounting;

* Special tax regimes;

* Documents;

* EMTA;(Electronic monitoring of tax audit)

* Research;

* Reference;

* Administration.

Component "Registration" includes:

* The state registration of the taxpayer of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

* Change of registration data;

* The registration direction.

ACCOUNTING. Personal account

* Automation of taxes and other obligatory payments to the budget, mandatory pension contributions and tax authorities;

* Automated preparation of acts of reconciliations, extracts from personal accounts;

* Automated preparation of notifications;

* Automated creation of standard reports.

Key purpose of the module «Special tax regime» is:

* Improve the reliability of accounting data of taxpayers, using special tax regimes;

* Automated tracking of the taxpayer by the tax authorities during the entire life cycle - from initial registration to the deregistration;

* Automated preparation of reports

EMTA.  Electronic monitoring of tax audit.

The main purpose of EMTA is to automate workflow associated with tax inspections, tracking of appeals.

The main objectives EMTA:

* Quality and efficiency of tax audit;

* Quality control and performance specialist TC.

At the national level is carried out registration of taxpayers' complaints, monitor the case, the formation of statements, in some cases may be execution of the case.

Also at the national level can be made:

* Monitoring and analysis of electronic instruments;

* Creation of standard and nonstandard forms of reporting

* Tracking of target dates and implementation of monitoring the execution of the case to the lower levels;

* Maintenance of common directories and classifiers

Suitable for receiving and processing information on income and return payment to the State and local budgets of the Republic of Kazakhstan through the transfer of payment data from automated systems, the Treasury and the SCP in Information Tax System of the Republic of Kazakhstan (RK ITIS).

In the process of training, students by the working in the system, learn:

* The features of each component of the system;

* The interaction between the components of the structures of information hierarchy;

* Virtually study characteristics of each of the subsections included in the components of the system;

* Simulate the interaction of the tax situation (banking, budgeting) system with taxpayers;

* Deepen their knowledge in such disciplines as «Tax and taxation», «Financial control and audit», «Tax Planning and Control», «Taxes businesses».



Mrs. Farhiya Momusheva

c.j.s., associate professor

Dean of the faculty

Phone: 8(7212) 44-15-58

Fax: 8 (7212) 44-16-3


The university structure includes the following chairs:

  • Chair of the legal regulation of economical activity
  • Chair of the general legal disciplines and customs
  • Chair of the marketing and tourism
  • Chair of the social work and social and political disciplines
  • Chair of merchandising and certification


1 1

Mrs. Galiya Gimranova

c.e.s., associate professor

Phone: 8(7212) 44 -16-19

Fax: 8(7212) 44-16-32

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Mrs. Tatyana Urtaeva

Deputy Dean

Phone: 8(7212) 44 16 24

(additional 192)

Fax: 8(7212)44-16-32

The university structure includes the following chairs:

  • Chair of economics and management
  • Chair of economical theory and international relations
  • Chair of higher mathematics
  • Chair of the Foreign and Russian languages
  • Chair of the Kazakh language and culture of Kazakhstan


1       1

Mrs. Gulzira Serikova

c.e.s., associate professor

Phone: 8(7212) 44 -16-29

Fax: 8(7212) 44-16-32

Mrs. Omarova Makhabat


senior teacher

The university structure includes the following chairs:

· Chair of the accounting and audit

· Chair of the data-processing systems

· Chair of banking

· Chair of finance, taxation and insurance

· Chair of the marketing and logistic

· Chair of higher mathematics



Research and pedagogic direction

Qualification: Master of Juridical Science (Master program “Jurisprudence”)

Full time education – 4 semesters, 47 credits

Specialized direction

Qualification: Master of Law (Master program “Jurisprudence”)

Full time education – 2 semesters, 24 credits

Conception of speciality: Modern problems general law theory, theory and practice of using civil law, theory and practice of civil procedural legislation, theory and practice of using criminal legislation, theory and practice of using criminal procedure legislation. 


Research and pedagogic direction

Qualification: Master of Technical Science (Master program “Standardization and sertification”)

Full time education – 4 semesters, 47 credits

Specialized direction

Qualification: Master of Techniques and Technology (Master program “Standardization and sertification”)

Full time education – 3 semesters, 36 credits

Conception of speciality: Organization and planning of scientific research and innovation activity, systems of standardization, Metrology and certification, technical regulation, system of quality management.


Research and pedagogic direction

Qualification: Master of Technical Science (Master program “Technology of food products”)

Full time education – 4 semesters, 47 credits

Specialized direction

Qualification: Master of Techniques and Technology (Master program “Technology of food products”)

Full time education – 2 semesters, 24 credits

Conception of speciality: Progressive technology of food industry, progressive techniques in food industry, modeling of technologic processes, methods of scientific research and innovation activity in production of food products.


Research and pedagogic direction

Qualification: Master of Juridical Science (Master program “Customs”)

Full time education – 4 semesters, 47 credits

Specialized direction

Qualification: Master of Law (Master program “Customs”)

Full time education – 2 semesters, 24 credits

Conception of speciality: Actual problems of customs in Republic of Kazakhstan, Problems of state management and state service in customs agencies of Republic of Kazakhstan at modern stage of development, theory and practice of customs control in Republic of Kazakhstan, World trade organization and customs policy  of Republic of Kazakhstan


Research and pedagogic direction

Qualification: Master of Science (Master program “Tourism”)

Full time education – 4 semesters, 47 credits

Specialized direction

Qualification: Master in service sector (Master program “Tourism”)

Full time education – 2 semesters, 24 credits

Conception of speciality: Economics of tourism, theoretical and methodological problems of tourism industry, Marketing research in tourism, Problems of entertainment organization of leisure in tourism.


Research and pedagogic direction

Qualification: Master of Economics (Master program “Marketing”)

Full time education – 4 semesters, 47 credits

Specialized direction

Qualification: Master of Economics and Business (Master program “Marketing”)

Full time education – 2 semesters, 24 credits

Conception of speciality: Marketing researches, Strategic marketing, Price formation: theory and practice in Kazakhstan, management of brands.


Research and pedagogic direction

Qualification: Master of Economic Science (Master program “Accounting”)

Full time education – 4 semesters, 47 credits

Specialized direction

Qualification: Master of economics and business (Master program “Accounting”)

Full time education – 2 semesters, 24 credits

Conception of speciality: Perspective questions of financial accounting and recording, Controlling, extend financial accounting, extend managerial accounting.


Research and pedagogic direction

Qualification: Master of Economic Science (Master program “Finance”)

Full time education – 4 semesters, 47 credits

Specialized direction

Qualification: Master of Economics and Business (Master program “Finance”)

Full time education – 2 semesters, 24 credits

Conception of speciality: The theory of finance,management of financial institutions activity, World financial markets, Taxes and tax system of Kazakhstan, Financial management, Strategic banking management.


Research and pedagogic direction

Qualification: Master of Science (Master program “Assessment”)

Full time education – 4 semesters, 47 credits

Specialized direction

Qualification: Master in service sector (Master program “Assessment”)

Full time education – 3 semesters, 36 credits

Conception of speciality: Modern theories and practice of assessment activity, International standards, regulations and rules of assessment, estimation of enterprise activity, system method of approaching of estimation management.


Research and pedagogic direction

Qualification: Master of Technical Science (Master program “Information system”)

Full time education – 4 semesters, 47 credits

Specialized direction

Qualification: Master of Techniques and Technology (Master program “Information system”)

Full time education – 2 semesters, 24 credits

Conception of speciality: Analysis and modeling of information processes, projecting of transaction applications of information systems, projecting of infrastructure of information systems, projecting of data bases of information systems.


Research and pedagogic direction

Qualification: Master of Economics (Master program “Economics”)

Full time education – 4 semesters, 47 credits

Specialized direction

Qualification: Master of economics and business (Master program “Economics”)

Full time education – 2 semesters, 24 credits

Conception of speciality: Economic security of firm, organization of investment and innovation activity of firm, management planning, management of costs.


Research and pedagogic direction

Qualification: Master of Economic Science (Master program “Management”)

Full time education – 4 semesters, 47 credits

Specialized direction

Qualification: Master of Economics and Business (Master program “Management”)

Full time education – 2 semesters, 24 credits

Conception of speciality: Modern management, Strategic management, Corporative management, Management of quality.


Research and pedagogic direction

Qualification: Master of Economic Science (Master program “Public management and local control”)

Full time education – 4 semesters, 47 credits

Specialized direction

Qualification: Master of Economics and Business (Master program “Public management and local control”)

Full time education – 2 semesters, 24 credits

Conception of speciality: Institutional economics, Organization and planning of scientific research, Basics of local control.



Qualification: Bachelor of jurisprudence

Specialization: legal regulation of economy

Full time education – 8 semesters, 141 credits

Short course of education – 6 semesters, 108 credits

Conception of speciality: Theory of government and law, criminal law of Republic of Kazakhstan, civil service and state management, advocateship, criminalistics,  constitutional law of Republic of Kazakhstan,  Civil Law of Kazakhstan, Labour law of Kazakhstan, Entrepreneur law of Republic of Kazakhstan, Financial law of Republic of Kazakhstan, Tax Law of Kazakhstan


Qualification: Bachelor of standardization, metrology and certification

Full time education – 8 semesters, 131 credits

Short course of education – 6 semesters, 116 credits

Conception of speciality: Metrology, General theory of measurement, qualimetry, system of quality management, physics


Qualification: Bachelor of technology of food products

Full time education – 8 semesters, 133 credits

Short course of education – 6 semesters, 114 credits

Conception of speciality: General technology of food products, rheology of food products, merchandizing, chemistry, control and estimation of quantity of raw materials


Qualification: Bachelor of social work

Full time education – 8 semesters, 143 credits

Short course of education – 6 semesters, 107 credits

Conception of speciality: public assistance, social service, psychological work, methods and technologies of social work, economical basic of social work


Qualification: Bachelor of customs

Full time education – 8 semesters, 140 credits

Short course of education – 6 semesters, 138 credits

Conception of speciality: Basics of customs, Customs law, customs administration, technique of customs supervision


Qualification: Bachelor of tourism

Full time education – 8 semesters, 154 credits

Short course of education – 6 semesters, 104 credits

Conception of speciality: hotel industry, planning and organization of travel industry, basics of entrepreneurship in tourism, active forms of tourism, excursion business


Qualification: Bachelor of marketing

Full time education – 8 semesters, 140 credits

Short course of education – 6 semesters, 102 credits

Conception of speciality: Bank marketing, advertising, marketing research, marketing communications, strategic marketing, practical marketing, marketing management, logistics, international marketing


Qualification: Bachelor of economics and business

Full time education – 7 semesters, 128 credits

Short course of education – 5 semesters, 94 credits

Conception of speciality: Fiscal accounting, managerial accounting, audit, tax registration, financial and managerial analysis


Qualification: Bachelor of finance

Specialization: Banking, taxes and taxation, financial management

Full time education – 7 semesters, 128 credits

Short course of education – 5 semesters, 94 credits

Conception of speciality: banking, taxes and taxation, finance, financial analysis, financial management, insurance


Qualification: Bachelor of assessment

Full time education – 7 semesters, 128 credits

Short course of education – 5 semesters, 94 credits

Conception of speciality: inventory of property, estimation of business, valuation of real estate, land rating and  earth-cadastre, international standards of estimation


Qualification: Bachelor of information systems

Full time education – 7 semesters, 128 credits

Short course of education – 5 semesters, 90 credits

Conception of speciality: designing economic information systems, Data system, software tools of information systems, architecture of computer systems, basic of computer modeling


Qualification: Bachelor of economics

Full time education – 7 semesters, 142 credits

Short course of education – 5 semesters, 140 credits

Conception of speciality: public sector economy, industrial sphere economy


Qualification: Bachelor of management

Full time education – 7 semesters, 140 credits

Short course of education – 5 semesters, 140 credits

Conception of speciality: Innovation management, business planning, personal management, strategic management


Qualification: Bachelor of international economics

Full time education – 8 semesters, 128 credits

Short course of education – 6 semesters, 93 credits

Conception of speciality: international business, international economic relations, international economics, international currency and finance relations


Qualification: Bachelor of international relations

Full time education – 8 semesters, 128 credits

Short course of education – 6 semesters, 93 credits

Conception of speciality: process of international integration, international organizations, basic of geopolitics, foreign language of the country, diplomatic protocol and etiquette


Qualification: Bachelor of public management and local control

Full time education – 8 semesters, 128 credits

Short course of education – 6 semesters, 93 credits

Conception of speciality: government regulation of economy, municipal management, social and economic planning, government and business, regional economy.

Entrance exam for applicants to the doctoral program!

The entrance exam for applicants to the doctoral program in the OP "GMU", "Economics", "Management", "Finance" will be held on August 19 at 9.00 am in the audience 305B. For information about the final exam, please click on the following link https://www.keu.kz/ru/section-table/31-materialy/3156-voprosy-dlya-podgotovki-k-itogovomu-kompleksnomu-ekzamenu.html

Information for applicants entering the master's and doctoral programs!!!

Dear applicants entering the master's and doctoral programs, we ask You to have an active EDS or a registered mobile phone with you before coming to the admission Committee. egov.kz (citizens ' mobile phone number).
In this regard, you can pre-familiarize yourself with the procedure for submitting documents at the following link: http://www.testcenter.kz/ru/postupayushchim-v-magistraturu-i-doktoranturu/priem-na-obuchenie/
If you have any questions about accepting documents, please call:
(87212) 44-15-88; (87212) 44-16-34; (87212) 44-16-24 (add. 199)

Information for the applicant entering to the Master program !!!!

Persons holding one of the international certificates confirming knowledge of a foreign language in accordance with the pan-European competencies (standards) of knowledge of a foreign language are exempted from the CT foreign language test to the magistracy in the following languages:
- English: IELTS / International English Language Tests System (International English Language Tests System), threshold score - at least 6.0;
- IELTS INDICATOR (IELTS Indicator), threshold score - not less than 6.0;
- Test of English as a Foreign Language Institutional Testing Programm (TOEFL ITP), threshold score - not less than 543 points;
- Test of English as a Foreign Language Institutional Testing Program (Test of English for Foreign Language Institutional Testing Program) Internet-based Test (Internet base test) (TOEFL IBT), threshold score - at least 60;
- TOEFL PBT Test of English as a Foreign Language Paper-based testing, threshold score - at least 498;
- Duolingo English Test, threshold score - not less than 95;
- CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference), threshold score - B2;
- German: Deutsche Sprachpruefung fuer den Hochschulzugang (DSH, Niveau C1 / Level C1), TestDaF-Prufung (NiveauC1 / Level C1);
- French: Test de Franzais International ™ - TFI- not lower than level B1 in reading and listening sections), Diplome d'Etudes en Langue francaise - (DELF, level B2), Diplome Approfondi de Langue française - (DALF), level C1), Test de connaissance du français - (TCF - at least 50 points).

Programs of postgraduate education programs within the frameworks of the highest qualification researchers training are among the most important priorities of our university.
As a modern university KEU promotes research opportunities for young researchers and potential researchers, and the Master and PhD programs become a necessary platform for their innovative ideas realization.
The basis of the fundamental educational program of postgraduate training is author's courses, professorial scientific seminars, guest lectures, master classes of famous Russian and foreign scientists and practitioners. Scientific and applied research is conducted within the scientific schools of leading scientists of Kazakhstan. The Scientific Research Institute for Economic and Legal Studies, educational and research-and-production complexes (UNPK), with leading organizations and enterprises of Kazakhstan, as well as specialized educational and research laboratories and offices, contributes to the effective implementation of research activities.
Scientific and creative research, academic mobility, scientific internships are realized within the framework of stable partnership relations of the university with universities and scientific organizations of Germany, Bulgaria, Spain, Hungary, Poland, Czech Republic, Russia, Ukraine, etc.
High professionalism, mobility, and adaptability are our graduates’ competitive advantages to act in the labor market. They successfully realize their potential in a variety of areas: research, education, financial analysis, expert - consulting, design, etc.

We create the country’s human capital which possesses up-to-date knowledge and skills in the field of intellectual activity to create and develop innovative business and knowledge economy.

Applications are submitted
from July, 3 to July, 25,
Entrance exams are held in the period of August, 8 - 16.
List of documents for admission:
- Application request addressed to the head of the organization (to be filled in the department.
- Higher education diploma (original and copy.
- TOEFL, IELTS, DSH, TestDaf-Prufung, TFI, DELF, DALF, TCF programs certificate (original and copy) (if available).
- personnel record card and proof of employment (for those with seniority).
- Photo sized 3x4 cm - 6 pcs.
- Medical certificate form 086.
- identity card and passport (original and copies).
- List of scientific and methodological papers, if available.
- a folder.
- 2 envelopes.

Applicants take entrance exams in the Foreign Language and Major.
Please, feel free to contact Postgraduate Department concerning admission to the Master's and PhD programs (office 264), tel. 44-15-88, 44-16-24, 44-16-34 (ext. 199),
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.





PI "Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz"
Legal address: 100009, Karaganda, Akademicheskaya St., 9
БИН 660340000046
ИИК KZ568560000000205110
КБЕ 17
JSC «BankCenterCredit» Karaganda
Tel/Fax: 8 (7212) 441624(176), 8(7172) 441632

PI "Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz"
Legal address: 100009, Karaganda, Akademicheskaya St., 9
БИН 660340000046
ИИК KZ876010191000161240
КБЕ 17
JSC «Halyk Bank of Kazakhstan» Karaganda
Tel/Fax: 8 (7212) 441624(176), 8(7172) 441632

The educational program “Basics of law and economics” is aimed at training specialists with the award of the academic degree “bachelor of education” in 6В01401 “Basics of law and economics”.
Graduate of the specialty “Basics of law and economics”carries out its professional activities in the field of education:
- General educational institutions (schools, high schools, lyceums).
- Specialized school.
- Organization of technical and vocational education (colleges, schools).
- Administrative bodies of education.
- Research institutes.
- Training institutes.
- Publishers, libraries.
- Rooms of pedagogical, economic and legal education.
Profile subjects (UNT) - World history, geography.
Profiling subjects (on the basis of secondary vocational education) - the Basics of pedagogy and psychology, the Basics of law and economics.
Graduates of the Vet institutions on related specialties, applicants for training on an abbreviated form:
020100 0 Jurisprudence
020101 3 Lawyer
020102 3 legal Adviser
0202000 law Enforcement
020201 3 Lawyer
0203000 Patenting
020301 3 Technician
050100 0 Social work
050101 3 Specialist of social work
050102 3 Specialist in the organizations of social protection of the population
051600 0 Finance (by industry)
051605 3 Economist for financial work
051606 4 Applied bachelor of Finance
0517000 Statistics
051701 3 Statistics
051800 0 Accounting and auditing (by industry)
051802 3 Accountant-auditor (auditor)
051803 3 Economist-accountant
051805 4 Applied bachelor of accounting and auditing
051900 0 Economy (according to branches)
051902 3 Economist
051903 3 labour economist
051904 4 Applied bachelor of Economics

The educational program 6B10201 “Social work” is aimed at personnel training with the award of the academic degree “Bachelor of Social Security” in the specialty 6B10201 - “Social work”.
Bachelor in services, specialty 6B10201 -Social work carries out its professional activities in the field of services: social services, social protection, education, health, culture, penitentiary system.
Spheres of professional activity of graduates of specialty Social work”:
- State institutions.
- Akimats.
- Medical and social institutions.
- Employment centers.
- Polyclinics.
- Organization of education.
- Rehabilitation centers.
- Public service centers (PSC).
- State centers for pension payment (SCPP).
- Public funds
- A charitable organization.
- Medical and social institutions for the elderly and disabled.
- Social assistance centres for families and children.
- Youth organizations and associations.
- SOS Children’s villages.
- Non-profit organizations (NPOs).
Profile subjects (UNT)- Geography, Biology
Profile subjects (on the basis of secondary vocational education) – History of Kazakhstan, The organization of work of social institutions.
Graduates of the Vet institutions on related specialties, applicants for training on an abbreviated form:
- 050101 3 Specialist of social work
- 050102 3 Specialist in organizations of social protection of the population


Academic degree: Bachelor of Food Technology
The sphere of professional activity of the graduate is the food industry, design, research organizations, enterprises of various forms and types of property.
The objects of professional activity of graduates are enterprises for the production of food products, design institutes, scientific institutions, educational institutions.
Bachelors of the specialty "Technology of food products" - can perform the following types of professional activities:
• organization of management of technological processes; control over observance of technological discipline; improvement of technological operations and participation in the work on the development of resource-saving technological processes in the creation of new products; analysis of technical equipment and production activities of enterprises, taking into account the requirements of ecology, labor protection, fire and explosion safety and industrial sanitation;
• organization of work of labor collectives, adoption of managerial decisions; analysis of technical and economic indicators of enterprises and marketing activities; performance of works on standardization and certification of food products;
• development and design of technological schemes for food industry enterprises and public catering enterprises.
The holders of the university diploma in the specialty "Technology of food products" - bachelors of technology of food products - can work:
• at food industry enterprises;
• at public catering establishments (bars, restaurants, cafes, etc.);
• in the bodies of state supervision of food safety and quality.
The main subjects studied are: "The basics of restaurant technology", "Features of technology of national and foreign cuisine", "Service technology and service", "Processes and devices", "Commodity products", "Food technology fundamentals", "Equipment for food production products "," Technology of food products "," Control and evaluation of raw materials and food products quality ".

Graduates who successfully mastered the educational programs of higher education in the specialty "Technology of food products" and demonstrated a high level of knowledge, a propensity for creative work, can be recommended for further training in magistracy or for teaching activities.

Электронный университет
3D тур КЭУ


Main building

100009, Karaganda, st. Academic, 9

Tel: +7 7212 441592
Fax: +7 7212 303171
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Call-center: +7 7212 50-21-24
Phone dialer 44-16-24, 44-16-34, 44-15-68
