“Development of a master's program in business management of industrial enterprises for countries with economy in transition” MIETC

MIETC External Evaluation Focus Group

On November 24, 2023, the next stage of project monitoring by the Eurasian Commission took place - a Focus Group - a meeting of project partners and external evaluators and a stakeholder survey. During the meeting, external experts shared the results of surveys of partners and stakeholders in real time; the project partners, in turn, provided clarifications and answered all questions regarding the implementation of the project.

The focus group consisted of 3 parts:

Introduction - The evaluators presented the findings and recommendations noted in the interim report.

Feedback - partners were asked a series of questions using the Mentimeter tool.

Conclusions - a joint review of the results obtained and a brief discussion.

Based on the results of the Focus Group, partners and external experts highly appreciated the quality of implementation of the Erasmus+ project 610198-EPP-1-2019-1-ES-EPPKA2CBHE-JP “Development of a master’s program in industrial enterprise management for countries with economies in transition (MIETC)”, as well as its level of significance for the region.


“Development of a master's program in business management of industrial enterprises for countries with economy in transition”  MIETC “Development of a master's program in business management of industrial enterprises for countries with economy in transition”  MIETC “Development of a master's program in business management of industrial enterprises for countries with economy in transition”  MIETC

 Accreditation of the joint educational program of the master's program "Technological Entrepreneurship"

On May 25, 2023, the NU "National Agency for Accreditation and Rating" (registration number AB4734) successfully accredited the joint educational program of the master's program "Technological Entrepreneurship", developed and implemented by two Kazakhstani universities - Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz and East Kazakhstan Technical University named after D. Serikbaev.
The master's program is aimed at training highly qualified economists-managers who are capable of active entrepreneurial activity, designing, conducting and evaluating a business in a rapidly developing business area and sustainable economic development.
The uniqueness of the JEP "Technological Entrepreneurship" lies in the enhanced promotion of the entrepreneurial skills of modern business creators for business development with the positioning of the concept of sustainable development. JEP is designed for enhanced entrepreneurial training of people who, as a rule, do not have a basic economic education.

“Development of a master's program in business management of industrial enterprises for countries with economy in transition”  MIETC

 Promotion of the new master's educational program "Technological Entrepreneurship"

On May 11 and 12, 2023, as part of the implementation of the international project Erasmus + "MIETC", a presentation of the master's program "Technological Entrepreneurship" was held on the basis of the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz. The international interdisciplinary master's program "Technological Entrepreneurship" is unique due to the symbiosis of technical and economic components and sustainable cooperation between the university and the business community.

On May 11, 2023, an offsite business meeting was held with representatives of QazTehna LLP, as a result of which vectors for further cooperation were identified and announced.

On May 12, 2023, with the participation of partners from Kazakhstan (KaU of Kazpotrebsoyuz, D. Serikbaev EKTU), Spain (Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, AYeconomics research center S.L., USC), Tajikistan (Technological University of Tajikistan, Tajik State University of Commerce) a presentation master's program for graduates and teachers of the university. The purpose of the event was to widely inform potential applicants about the opportunities and benefits of obtaining education in the field of industrial entrepreneurship.

“Development of a master's program in business management of industrial enterprises for countries with economy in transition”  MIETC

“Development of a master's program in business management of industrial enterprises for countries with economy in transition”  MIETC “Development of a master's program in business management of industrial enterprises for countries with economy in transition”  MIETC
“Development of a master's program in business management of industrial enterprises for countries with economy in transition”  MIETC “Development of a master's program in business management of industrial enterprises for countries with economy in transition”  MIETC

The third reporting meeting of the project managers "Development of a master's program in industrial entrepreneurship management for countries with economies in transition" (MIETC)

On March 27 and 28, 2023, at the Federico II University in Naples (Italy), the third meeting of the project managers "Development of a Master's Program in Industrial Enterprise Management for Countries in Transition (MIETC)" was held. During the meeting on the first day, the partners discussed the evaluation of trainings in core subjects, information on the status of accreditation / certification, the progress of the master's program and the next steps to create entrepreneurial centers and coordinate the activities of entrepreneurs. On the second day, the problems of the sustainable development plan were considered, a review of quality indicators was made and further activities for the dissemination and promotion of the master's program were discussed.

Online meeting of the project participants within the framework of the Erasmus+ program “Development of a Master Program in the Management of Industrial Entrepreneurship for Transition Countries” (MIETC)

On September 28, 2022, the next online meeting of project participants was held within the framework of the Erasmus+ program "Development of a master's program in the management of industrial entrepreneurship for countries with a transition economy (MIETC)". During the meeting, issues of project management were discussed and agreed, in particular, financial reporting for the 5th period of project implementation, deadlines for preparation and submission of individual reports on business trips, results of trainings in program disciplines, as well as a brief overview of the implementation of the master's program in partner countries.

“Development of a master's program in business management of industrial enterprises for countries with economy in transition”  MIETC “Development of a master's program in business management of industrial enterprises for countries with economy in transition”  MIETC “Development of a master's program in business management of industrial enterprises for countries with economy in transition”  MIETC

A presentation of a new joint master’s program “Technological Entrepreneurship”

On May 30th , as part of the implementation of the international Erasmus+ “MIETC” project, a presentation of a new joint master’s program “Technological Entrepreneurship” with the East Kazakhstan Technical University named after Serikbayev was held on the basis of the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz. The international interdisciplinary master’s program “Technological Entrepreneurship” is unique due to the symbiosis of technical and economic components and sustainable cooperation between the university and the business community.

“Development of a master's program in business management of industrial enterprises for countries with economy in transition”  MIETC“Development of a master's program in business management of industrial enterprises for countries with economy in transition”  MIETC

During the promotion of the master’s program in the first part of the event – World café, an off-site business meeting was held with representatives of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs “Atameken”, as a result of which vectors of further cooperation to support the promotion of the new program were identified and announced. The discussion was attended by representatives of government agencies, business environment, and regional offices of NCE “Atameken”, MIETC project partners from Italy, Spain, Slovenia, Tajikistan, and Turkmenistan.

“Development of a master's program in business management of industrial enterprises for countries with economy in transition”  MIETC“Development of a master's program in business management of industrial enterprises for countries with economy in transition”  MIETC

In order to identify areas and options for cooperation, in the second part of the event, a business meeting was held between European and Central Asian partners with stakeholders - representatives of the Karaganda region of the UMPC of the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz, the Department of Industry of Industrial and Innovative Development of the Karaganda region and the KSU of the Employment Center of the Akimat of the city of Karaganda.

The event was held with the support and participation of partners from Kazakhstan (Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz, East Kazakhstan Technical University named after Daulet Serikbayev), the “Business Pro” Training Center, Spain (Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, AYeconomics research Center S.L., USC), Italy (University of Naples Federico II), Slovenia (University of Ljubljana), Tajikistan (Tajik Technological University, Tajik State University of Commerce, FANOVAR Technopark), Turkmenistan (Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan, Turkmen State Institute of Economics and management, Technology center of the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan, Turkmen state financial institute).

Also, this event aroused the interest of the regional media.


The purpose of the event was to widely inform individuals, groups and organizations about the opening of a new master's program “Technological Entrepreneurship” and about the benefits of education in the field of industrial entrepreneurship.



On May 31, 2022, in order to determine the sustainability and dissemination of the new educational program among potential applicants, an international scientific and practical conference “Prospects and opportunities of the modern economy in the conditions of integration of science, education and business” was held. The guests of the conference were European and Central Asian partners participating in the international MIETC project. The conference was attended by undergraduate graduates, undergraduates, doctoral students and teachers of higher educational institutions of Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Russia, representatives of the scientific and professional community, civil servants, and employees of the financial and economic sphere, entrepreneurs. Following the results of the conference, a collection of scientific papers will be published, which will contain original, previously unpublished articles.

“Development of a master's program in business management of industrial enterprises for countries with economy in transition”  MIETC“Development of a master's program in business management of industrial enterprises for countries with economy in transition”  MIETC“Development of a master's program in business management of industrial enterprises for countries with economy in transition”  MIETC

Master subject trainings of our teaching staff at the University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain)

The last stage of Master subject trainings at the University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain) is being completed between the 2nd and the 11th of May, 2022, within which the working group and teaching staff of the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz, participating in the implementation of the Master's program, all together reviewed and discussed a methodology for organizing the educational process in disciplines of EP "Technological Entrepreneurship".
As part of the training, Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz carries on working in the field of cooperation between partner universities.

“Development of a master's program in business management of industrial enterprises for countries with economy in transition”  MIETC “Development of a master's program in business management of industrial enterprises for countries with economy in transition”  MIETC “Development of a master's program in business management of industrial enterprises for countries with economy in transition”  MIETC
  “Development of a master's program in business management of industrial enterprises for countries with economy in transition”  MIETC  
“Development of a master's program in business management of industrial enterprises for countries with economy in transition”  MIETC “Development of a master's program in business management of industrial enterprises for countries with economy in transition”  MIETC “Development of a master's program in business management of industrial enterprises for countries with economy in transition”  MIETC

International scientific and practical conference on the topic: "Prospects and opportunities for the modern economy in the context of the integration of science, education and business"

As a part of the international project Erasmus+ MIETC and in the framework of the functioning of scientific schools of Doctor of Economics, Professor Aimagambetov E.B. and Doctor of Economics, Professor Alimbaev A.A. at the University, International scientific and practical conference "Prospects and opportunities of modern economy in the conditions of integration of science, education and business" will be held in Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz on 31st May, 2022. The guests of the conference are European and Central Asian partners participating in the international project MIETC.

Students, undergraduates, doctoral students and teachers of higher educational institutions, representatives of the scientific and professional community, civil servants, employees of the financial and economic sphere, entrepreneurs are invited to participate in the conference.

The languages to be used at the conference are Kazakh, Russian, and English.

The format of the event: online (ZOOM), offline.

Following the results of the conference, it is planned to publish a collection of scientific works, which will contain original, previously unpublished articles. The degree of originality of author’s materials has to be not less than 70%. An author or composite author is responsible for the content of the article and the forms of illegal borrowings (plagiarism).

The materials should be sent to organizing committee not later than on 20th May, 2022. Articles submitted later than the deadline are not considered. Organizing committee reserves the right to reject articles that do not meet the above requirements.

An electronic version of the collection of scientific works of the conference will be placed on the website of the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz: www.keu.kz


Master classes of KarU Kazpotrebsoyuz on the MIETC project in Spain

From 31.01.2022 to 04.02.2022, Master subject trainings took place, within the framework of which the methodology and methods of the implementation of the educational process in the disciplines of the master's program were reviewed and discussed.
The Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz, within the framework of the training, carried out work in the field of partner universities cooperation. Two agreements were signed on joint activities within the framework of a scientific and educational consortium with the Technological University of Tajikistan and the Tajik State University of Commerce. The parties agreed to organize a scientific and educational consortium to carry out joint scientific, educational and research activities aimed at developing a system of training highly qualified specialists and implementing research projects of theoretical, methodological and applied nature on topical issues of economics and management. A joint research theme "Social determinants of the quality and standard of living of the population: trends and events’ development" was also proposed. It is planned to hold an international scientific and practical conference with partner universities in April 2022, at the moment a program of events is being developed



“Development of a master's program in business management of industrial enterprises for countries with economy in transition”  MIETC “Development of a master's program in business management of industrial enterprises for countries with economy in transition”  MIETC “Development of a master's program in business management of industrial enterprises for countries with economy in transition”  MIETC

Workshop meeting of stakeholders and participants of the project on theme “Development of a Master Program in the Management of Industrial Entrepreneurship for Transition Countries” (MIETC)
at the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz

As part of the MIETC project, a meeting was held at the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz on the 22-23th of November of 2021, within the framework of which the content of the new joint educational master’s program of the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz with the East Kazakhstan Technical University named after D. Serikbayev “Technological Entrepreneurship” with European and Asian partners, as well as with stakeholders of the Karaganda region and the university professors.

 A workshop meeting of the indicated project partners, university management and stakeholders was held to discuss work packages, transfer of university experience in the implementation and sustainability of previous Erasmus + projects, a tour of the university, etc. on the 22th of November, 2021.


“Development of a master's program in business management of industrial enterprises for countries with economy in transition”  MIETC “Development of a master's program in business management of industrial enterprises for countries with economy in transition”  MIETC “Development of a master's program in business management of industrial enterprises for countries with economy in transition”  MIETC

An official meeting of the European and

Asian members of the project with

the stakeholders of the Karaganda region

took place on the 23rd of November, 2021.

“Development of a master's program in business management of industrial enterprises for countries with economy in transition”  MIETC “Development of a master's program in business management of industrial enterprises for countries with economy in transition”  MIETC “Development of a master's program in business management of industrial enterprises for countries with economy in transition”  MIETC


The meetings were organized in compliance with all sanitary requirements and standards for Covid-19.

Development of a Master Program in the Management of Industrial Entrepreneurship for Transition Countries (MIETC)

An online meeting of the Consortium of participants of the project “Development of a Master Program in the Management of Industrial Entrepreneurship for Transition Countries (MIETC)” was held on the 22th of October, 2021. During the meeting, the following issues were discussed: issues of internal quality assurance, external quality assurance, dissemination of project results, as well as other working issues of the administrative staff.

“Development of a master's program in business management of industrial enterprises for countries with economy in transition”  MIETC “Development of a master's program in business management of industrial enterprises for countries with economy in transition”  MIETC “Development of a master's program in business management of industrial enterprises for countries with economy in transition”  MIETC


Development of a Master Program in the Management of Industrial Entrepreneurship for Transition Countries (MIETC)

A regular online meeting of the Consortium of participants of the project “Development of a Master Program in the Management of Industrial Entrepreneurship for Transition Countries (MIETC)” took place on the 24th of September, 2021. During the meeting, the following issues were discussed: reporting documents, in particular a report on technical implementation, an updated work plan for the expansion of the project, accreditation of the master's program, dissemination and external evaluation, as well as the results of monitoring the project in Kazakhstan and other work issues

“Development of a master's program in business management of industrial enterprises for countries with economy in transition”  MIETC “Development of a master's program in business management of industrial enterprises for countries with economy in transition”  MIETC “Development of a master's program in business management of industrial enterprises for countries with economy in transition”  MIETC

  Online meeting of the project participants within the framework of the Erasmus+ program “Development of a Master Program in the Management of Industrial Entrepreneurship for Transition Countries” (MIETC).

On July 14th of 2021, there was hold the regular online meeting of the project participants within the framework of the Erasmus + program “Development of a Master Program in the Management of Industrial Entrepreneurship for Transition Countries (MIETC)”. The issues of financial reporting for the 3rd period of the project implementation, the timing of preparation of the technical report on the implementation of the project and the main problems of ensuring the quality of the project - the choice of an external evaluator and the preparation of the first technical report were discussed and agreed, as well as the results of preparation of English language courses and website content development were discussed within the framework of the meeting.

“Development of a master's program in business management of industrial enterprises for countries with economy in transition”  MIETC “Development of a master's program in business management of industrial enterprises for countries with economy in transition”  MIETC “Development of a master's program in business management of industrial enterprises for countries with economy in transition”  MIETC


Annual monitoring of the project 610198-EPP-1-2019-1-ES-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP MIETC «Development of the master's program in industrial enterprise management for countries with transition economies»

On June 24, 2021, the National Erasmus + Office in Kazakhstan initiated monitoring of the project 610198-EPP-1-2019-1-ES-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP MIETC «Development of the master's program in industrial enterprise management for countries with transition economies», implemented by the Karaganda Kazpotrebsoyuz University together with East Kazakhstan State Technical University and partners from Europe. As part of the monitoring program, it is planned to meet with the rectors of universities - Yerkara Aimagambetov and Zhasulan Shaimardanov (online), get acquainted with the goals and objectives of monitoring, as well as present the project results and discuss the progress of the project.


Online meeting of the project participants within the framework of the Erasmus+ program “Development of a Master Program in the Management of Industrial Entrepreneurship for Transition Countries” (MIETC).

On April 21, 2021, there was hold the regular online meeting of the project participants within the framework of the Erasmus + program "Development of a Master Program in the Management of Industrial Entrepreneurship for Transition Countries (MIETC)". Within the framework of the meeting, there was considered and agreed possibility of extending the term for the implementation of the contract for 1 year in connection with the difficult epidemiological situation and the impossibility of organizing face-to-face meetings to discuss the progress of the project. The project coordinator University of Santiago de Compostela presented an updated work plan and possible reporting scenarios.

“Development of a master's program in business management of industrial enterprises for countries with economy in transition”  MIETC “Development of a master's program in business management of industrial enterprises for countries with economy in transition”  MIETC “Development of a master's program in business management of industrial enterprises for countries with economy in transition”  MIETC

Online meeting of the project participants within the framework of the Erasmus+ program “Development of a Master Programme in the Management of Industrial Entrepreneurship for Transition Countries” (MIETC).

On February 9th of 2021, another online meeting of project participants took place within the framework of the Erasmus+ program “Development of a Master Programme in the Management of Industrial Entrepreneurship for Transition Countries (MIETC)”. Within the framework of the meeting, financial and administrative issues were considered, a quality plan was presented, the structure of the magistracy and a list of disciplines were proposed, and accreditation procedures were considered in Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan and Tajikistan.

“Development of a master's program in business management of industrial enterprises for countries with economy in transition”  MIETC “Development of a master's program in business management of industrial enterprises for countries with economy in transition”  MIETC “Development of a master's program in business management of industrial enterprises for countries with economy in transition”  MIETC “Development of a master's program in business management of industrial enterprises for countries with economy in transition”  MIETC “Development of a master's program in business management of industrial enterprises for countries with economy in transition”  MIETC


Online Meeting in the frame of the project “Development of a Master Programme in the Management of Industrial Entrepreneurship for Transition Countries (MIETC)” for the implementation of the Center for Entrepreneurship

On November 6, 2020, a meeting of MIETC project partners was held to exchange experience in creating Entrepreneurship Centers. Diego Suarez presented the European experience of such centers. As a result of the meeting, each partner of Central Asia will develop guidelines for the creation of Entrepreneurship Centers at their universities. The objectives of the Entrepreneurship Centers are to increase the pedagogical competence of university teachers, train workers in business / economics for industrial enterprises, and provide education for entrepreneurs who do not have business and economic competencies.


“Development of a master's program in business management of industrial enterprises for countries with economy in transition”  MIETC

“Development of a master's program in business management of industrial enterprises for countries with economy in transition”  MIETC “Development of a master's program in business management of industrial enterprises for countries with economy in transition”  MIETC “Development of a master's program in business management of industrial enterprises for countries with economy in transition”  MIETC


Short online meeting on project dissemination within the Erasmus + program "Development of a Master Programme in the Management of Industrial Entrepreneurship for Transition Countries (MIETC)"

On October 14, 2020 the short online meeting of the participants of the Erasmus project + 610198-EPP-1-2019-1-ES-EPPKA2CBHE-JP " Development of a Master Programme in the Management of Industrial Entrepreneurship for Transition Countries (MIETC)" was held to discuss working moments on project dissemination in particular on websites and social networks.
In the framework of the online meeting, the participants heard a report for this direction from the responsible person of the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan on the executed work in this direction, and also discussed issues related to the promotion and popularization of the project in the mass media.


“Development of a master's program in business management of industrial enterprises for countries with economy in transition”  MIETC “Development of a master's program in business management of industrial enterprises for countries with economy in transition”  MIETC
“Development of a master's program in business management of industrial enterprises for countries with economy in transition”  MIETC “Development of a master's program in business management of industrial enterprises for countries with economy in transition”  MIETC

Regular online meeting of the project participants within the framework of the Erasmus + program "Development of a Master Programme in the Management of Industrial Entrepreneurship for Transition Countries – MIETC"

On September 29, 2020, according to the work plan for the implementation of the project there was a regular online meeting of the countries participating in the Erasmus+ 610198-EPP-1-2019-1-ES-EPPKA2CBHE-JP “Development of a Master Programme in the Management of Industrial Entrepreneurship for Transition Countries (MIETC)".
During the online meeting, the participants discussed issues related to the implementation of the financial aspects of partnership agreements, the acquisition of equipment, as well as the need to develop a quality plan. The representative of the East Kazakhstan State Technical University, Yusubalieva Madina, made a report on the results of the course on improving English proficiency on the Coursera platform by teachers participating in the further implementation of the MIETC Master Programme. Professor of the University of Santiago de Compostela Manuel Fernandez Grela, in his speech, touched upon the structure of the Master Programme. Based on the results of the meeting by all project participants were identified further steps and made recommendations for each of the areas of project implementation.

“Development of a master's program in business management of industrial enterprises for countries with economy in transition”  MIETC

“Development of a master's program in business management of industrial enterprises for countries with economy in transition”  MIETC

“Development of a master's program in business management of industrial enterprises for countries with economy in transition”  MIETC
“Development of a master's program in business management of industrial enterprises for countries with economy in transition”  MIETC  

“Development of a master's program in business management of industrial enterprises for countries with economy in transition”  MIETC

“Development of a master's program in business management of industrial enterprises for countries with economy in transition”  MIETC


 Results monitoring of the project 610198-EPP-1-2019-1-ES-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP MIETC “Development of a Master Programme in the Management of Industrial Entrepreneurship for Transition Countries”

The first (preventive) monitoring of the results of the project 610198-EPP-1-2019-1-ES-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP MIETC “Development of a Master Programme in the Management of Industrial Entrepreneurship for Transition Countries” were held on the 18th of August of 2020 on the basis of the East Kazakhstan Technical University named after D. Serikbayev, under the leadership of the Director of the National Office of Erasmus+ in Kazakhstan Sh. U. Tasbolatova. The project team of the Karaganda Economic University, headed by the Vice-rector on Scientific Work, Strategic and Innovative Development, Doctor of Economics, Professor G.Y. Nakipova took part in the online monitoring. The participants of the MIETC project working group from the East Kazakhstan Technical University named after D. Serikbayev and members of the MIETC project working group from KEUK (online) got acquainted with the goals and objectives of monitoring presented the results of the project and discussed the progress of the project during the monitoring.


“Development of a master's program in business management of industrial enterprises for countries with economy in transition”  MIETC “Development of a master's program in business management of industrial enterprises for countries with economy in transition”  MIETC “Development of a master's program in business management of industrial enterprises for countries with economy in transition”  MIETC “Development of a master's program in business management of industrial enterprises for countries with economy in transition”  MIETC “Development of a master's program in business management of industrial enterprises for countries with economy in transition”  MIETC


Online Meeting on Dissemination in the frame of the project “Development of a Master Programme in the Management of Industrial Entrepreneurship for Transition Countries (MIETC)”

Another working online meeting of the MIETC project participants took place on the 8th of July, 2020. The main objectives of the online meeting were to determine the main directions of dissemination of the project results, as well as to discuss the procedure for the provision of financial statements by project participants according to the results of the accomplished work. In the process of implementing the direction of dissemination of the project, partners can use various information resources and platforms (official websites, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, etc.).


“Development of a master's program in business management of industrial enterprises for countries with economy in transition”  MIETC “Development of a master's program in business management of industrial enterprises for countries with economy in transition”  MIETC “Development of a master's program in business management of industrial enterprises for countries with economy in transition”  MIETC


 Online Information Day for Erasmus+ Project Participants on a theme “Development of a Master Programme in the Management of Industrial Entrepreneurship for Transition Countries (MIETC)”

The MIETC project team of the Karaganda Economic University, an expert group and students took part in an online information day organized by the Spanish participant of the AYEconomics project on the 26th of June, 2020. The main goal of the online information day was the presentation of the analysis of the necessity of the labor market of the Republic of Kazakhstan for graduates of the master’s program. The project aims to develop a master’s program in industrial entrepreneurship in selected higher educational institutions of Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan and Tajikistan, contributing to the development of university ties with the labor market. As a part of the project, partners put to use market needs analysis to determine gaps and skills mismatch in industrial sectors.


“Development of a master's program in business management of industrial enterprises for countries with economy in transition”  MIETC “Development of a master's program in business management of industrial enterprises for countries with economy in transition”  MIETC “Development of a master's program in business management of industrial enterprises for countries with economy in transition”  MIETC


«Development of a master's program in business management of industrial enterprises for countries with economy in transition” MIETC


Project coordinator: University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain)

European partners: 

University of Santiago de Compostela (Sapin)

Ayeconomics Research Centre S.L. (Spain)

University of Ljubljana (Slovenia)

University of Naples Federico II (Italy)

Academy of Science of Turkmenistan (Turkmenistan)

Turkmen State Institute of Economics and Management (Turkmenistan)

Turkmen State Institute of Finance (Turkmenistan)

Technological University of Tajikistan (Tajikistan)

Tajik State University of Tajikistan (Tajikistan)

CTAST (Turkmenistan)

FANOVAR (Tajikistan)


Kazakhstani partners:

Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz

Training Center Business-Pro, Karaganda

D.Serikbayev East Kazakhstan State Technical University  

Project aim: is the creation of the potential of human capital in the universities of Central Asian countries for industrial entrepreneurship with the aim of providing to students a skills and a  competencies that are more relevant to the needs of their labor market.

“Development of a master's program in business management of industrial enterprises for countries with economy in transition”  MIETC

Online meeting of project participants in the framework of the Erasmus+ program «Development of the master's program in industrial enterprise management for countries with transition economies (MIETC)»

Online kick-off meeting of the countries-participants of the project of the Erasmus+ 610198-EPP-1-2019-1-ES-EPPKA2CBHE-JP "Development of the master's program in industrial enterprise management for transition economies (MIETC)" was held in March the 12-th and the 13-th, 2020.
During the first session of the meeting, participants discussed the project management procedure, technical, financial and administrative issues, presented a description of the monitoring process and calendar, and distributed tasks among partners.
In the second session the Scientific and research centre of AYeconomics presented an analysis of the needs of the market, East-Kazakhstan state technical University named after D. Serikbayev presented a Strategy for the teaching of English, the University of Santiago de Compostela - the strategy for the development of the content, the Tajik state University of Commerce - sustainability strategy, Karaganda Economic University - Strategy of the entrepreneurship Centre, the Centre of technology of the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan - Strategy of dissemination of information.



“Development of a master's program in business management of industrial enterprises for countries with economy in transition”  MIETC “Development of a master's program in business management of industrial enterprises for countries with economy in transition”  MIETC

This project is funded with the support of the European Commission. The content of this page is the author responsibility and may not reflect the views of the European Commission. The European Commission is not responsible for the content of this website.


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