Staff of the department DCC

Есенбаева Гульмира Ахмадиевна                

Esenbaeva Gulmira Ahmadievna

Position: Head of the Department of Commodity and Certification
Degree: Doctor of Education, Ph.D.
Academic / Academic title: Professor KEUK, corresponding member of RAE
Readable disciplines: "Quality Management Systems", "The accreditation of conformity assessment bodies and test centers", "Technology development of standards and regulations", "Patent", "Standardization", "Metrology, Standardization and Certification", "Conformity of goods and services ".
Scientific works, publications: more than 160 scientific papers, including 6 monographs; 35 manuals; 5 patents and certificates of authorship.
Winner of the state grant MES "The best teacher of high school" (2010), winner in the nomination "Man of the Year" (KEUK 2013)


Kaken Kairat Sattuovich

Position: Professor, Department of Commodity and Certification
Academic degree: Candidate of Technical Sciences
Academic / Academic title: Professor KEUK
Readable disciplines: "Physics", "Heat", "The test, control and security", "Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering."
Scientific works, publications: more than 160 scientific papers, including 6 monographs; 35 manuals; 8 patents and invention certificates.
He was voted "Best University Teacher" MES RK (2012)


Karagayev Mereke Bolatovna

Position: Associate Professor, Department of Commodity and Certification
Academic degree: PhD in Physics and Mathematics
Academic / Academic title: Associate Professor WAC
Readable disciplines: Physics (rus., Kaz.), Electrical (kaz.), Patenting (rus., Kaz), materials (rus., KAZ) teoriyalyқ mechanics (KAZ), theoretical mechanics (rus)
Scientific works: 14 scientific papers, 5 manuals: "Physics-1", "Physics-2", "Patent", "Material", "Electrical negіzderі."

Staff of the department DCC  

Zakarin Sagingali Zakariyanovich

Position: Associate Professor, Department of Commodity and Certification
Degree: Ph.D.
Academic / Academic title: Associate Professor KEUK
Readable disciplines: chemistry: inorganic and organic chemistry; Physical and Colloid Chemistry; technology of structural materials and heat treatment; Equipment food production; monitoring and evaluation of the quality of raw materials and food products.
Scientific works, publications: Copyright certificate USSR 5 copyright certificates of Kazakhstan. Published 60 articles and abstracts; 5 manuals: "Chemistry" in 2006; "Concepts of modern science" 2004; "Technology of construction materials" 2008; "Konstruktsiyalyқ Materialdary tehnologiyasy zhane termoөңdeu" 2012 "Production line of food products", Part 1, 2014, 1 electronic textbook.


Dzhazykbaeva Baldyrgan Koldaspaevna

Position: Art. Lecturer, Department of Commodity and Certification
Academic degree: PhD students
Academic / Academic title: Master
Readable disciplines: Examination of quality goods and services, Quality Management System, Standardization, Technology Basics PP.
Scientific works, publications: more than 25 scientific articles, 2 textbooks

Staff of the department DCC  

Karimov Bakytgul Nurlanovna

Position: Associate Professor, Department of Commodity and Certification
Degree: Ph.D.
Academic / Academic title: Associate Professor KEUK
Readable disciplines: Organic Chemistry (rus., Kaz.), Physical and Colloid Chemistry (rus., Kaz.) Qualimetry (KAZ), standardization (KAZ), technology standards development (KAZ), metrology (Kazakh), metrological provision of production (KAZ)
Scientific works, publications: more than 15 scientific articles, 2 copyright certificates of RK, 2 manuals


Akhmetov Ayman Beybutovna

Position: Art. Lecturer, Department of Commodity and Certification
Degree: Master
Readable disciplines: Metrological support of production, Metrology, The General Theory of measurements, food safety, product quality Expertise
Scientific works, publications: monograph "Status and prospects of development of mechanisms of complex processing of coal Karaganda coal basin RK" textbook "General Theory of Measurements", 3 electronic textbooks. Published 26 articles.

Staff of the department DCC  

Torzhanova WALKING Zhumanovna

Position: Lecturer
Degree: Master of "Standardization, Metrology and Certification"
Readable disciplines: Examination of quality goods and services, Quality Management System, Quality control and evaluation of raw materials and PP, Standardization, Technology Basics PP.
Scientific works, publications: Published 7 articles, textbook "International standardization"

Staff of the department DCC  

Erubaev Dinara Shayhanovna

Position: Lecturer
Degree: Master of "Standardization, Metrology and Certification"
Readable disciplines: Organic Chemistry (rus., Kaz.), Physical and Colloid Chemistry (rus., Kaz.) Qualimetry (KAZ), standardization (KAZ), technology standards development (KAZ), metrology (Kazakh), metrological provision of production (KAZ)
Scientific works, publications: more than 15 scientific articles, 2 copyright certificates of RK, 2 manuals

Staff of the department DCC   Isabaeva hulsite Maksutovna

Position: Art. Lecturer, Department of Commodity and Certification
Degree: Ph.D.
Readable disciplines: analytical chemistry, general chemistry, technology of Clinical Nutrition (Kazakh, Russian) technology features national and international cuisine, food technology sectors (Kazakh, Russian) food production technology, service in catering, aesthetics and standard.
Scientific works, publications: more than 30 scientific articles, 4 Tutorial: organic chemistry, chemistry for the specialty ecology, analytical chemistry, emdіk tamaқtanu tehnologiyasy. 1 electronic textbook - analytical chemistry. 4 case - the technology of food in catering, konservіler, balyқ zhane balyқ Onimderi, is a zhane Onimderi.

  Mukhametzhanov Timur V.

Position: Lecturer
Degree: Master of "Technology of food products"
Readable disciplines: Organization of enterprises on OD, Technology features national and international cuisine, food technology in RD, Microbiology, monitoring and evaluation of the quality of raw materials and PP OTRD, Technology Basics PP.
Scientific works, publications: 5 scientific articles.

  Heat Jeanne Zhanibekovna

Position: Lecturer
Degree: Master of "Technology of food products"
Readable disciplines: Organization of enterprises on OD, Technology features national and international cuisine, food technology in RD, Microbiology, monitoring and evaluation of the quality of raw materials and PP OTRD, Technology Basics PP, PP production equipment, processes and devices, Commodity PP, sanitation and Hygiene (KAZ).
Scientific works, publications: 5 articles.

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