Standard rules


Model rules for admission


Government Resolution


the Republic of Kazakhstan


from "19" in January 2012


number 111


Standard rules of admission to the organization of education, realizing professional training programs of higher education


1. General Provisions


1. These Model Rules of admission to the organization of education, realizing professional training programs of higher education (hereinafter - the Model Regulations) have been developed in accordance with paragraph 25) of Article 4 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Education".


2. In the organization of education of the Republic of Kazakhstan realizing professional training programs of higher education, the persons who have general secondary (general secondary), technical and vocational (primary and secondary vocational, post-secondary), higher education (higher vocational) education.


3. Acceptance of people entering higher education institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan, is carried out by placing the government order (educational grants), as well as tuition fees at their own expense of citizens and other sources.


Stateless persons permanently residing in the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Kazakh nationality to persons who are not citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan shall be entitled to receive on a competitive basis in accordance with the state educational order free higher education, if the education they receive at this level for the first time, except for military training institutions.


The right to receive foreigners free higher education on a competitive basis in accordance with the state educational order determined by international treaties of the Republic of Kazakhstan.


4. Acceptance of people entering higher education institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan is carried out on their applications on a competitive basis according to points of the certificate issued by results of uniform national testing (hereinafter - UNT) or complex testing.


5. Comprehensive testing is conducted for graduates of general secondary education (secondary) of previous years, graduates of technical and vocational (primary and secondary vocational, post-secondary) education institutions, secondary school graduates who did not take part in the UNT, trained through international exchange students for abroad, graduates of national music boarding schools, as well as persons who have graduated from educational institutions abroad.


6. Acceptance of people entering higher education institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan for training on a fee basis by higher education institutions.


The reception of persons in institutions of higher education, technical and vocational, post-secondary education (colleges) on related specialties on training to reduce the time on a fee basis by the results of complex testing.


The list of related specialties approved by the competent authority in the field of education.


The reception of persons in institutions of higher education with higher education, training in a shorter period on a fee basis by the selection committee of higher education institutions.


7. Admission of foreign citizens on the allocated quota on the basis of the state educational order in international higher education institutions, created on the basis of international agreements, carried out by higher education institutions themselves.


Admission of foreign citizens to study in higher educational institutions on a paid basis is carried out in the form of an interview conducted by admission committees of higher educational institutions.


8. When you have received training in higher education enrollment quota set at a rate approved by the decision of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan.


List of specialties undergraduate and higher vocational education, which for those who have graduated from rural educational organization, established a quota for admission to higher education institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan, approved by the competent authority in the field of education.


9. Admission to training in state educational order in certain specialties of higher education requires working with state secrets, implemented in educational institutions, authorized national security agencies.


10. Admission to the specialty requiring special or creative preparation (further - creative specialties), shall be based on special or creative examinations (further - creative examinations). The list of creative disciplines and procedure for special or creative examinations, which are approved by the order of the authorized body in the field of education.


Applications for Art conducted by admission committees of higher education institutions from 20 June to 1 July.


Arriving at the Art, indicate only one creative specialty.


11. Applicants for Art, pass creative examinations which are conducted by admission committees of their chosen universities. Number of creative examinations is two.


Creative examination held from 2 to 7 July.


The maximum number of points on the creative exam - 25.


Persons who have received at least 10 creative exam scores or not was on him, to comprehensive testing for admission to the profession are not allowed.


Retake of creative exam is not permitted.


For persons arriving on creative specialties accounted points in two subjects testing: state or Russian language, history of Kazakhstan.


Higher education institutions, regardless of ownership, within ten days submit to the competent authority in the field of education the final report on the organization and conduct of creative exam, as well as copies of orders to surrender creative exam.


12. On admission to the Art, as well as higher education institutions under the jurisdiction of law enforcement and special bodies, receiving applications is carried out at the location of higher education institutions.


2. The procedure of admission to the organization of education, realizing professional training programs of higher education

Carrying out comprehensive testing


13. Comprehensive testing is conducted on the basis of points testing (basic higher education), the list of which is approved by order of the authorized body in the field of education.


Comprehensive testing of persons arriving at the Art and entering higher education institutions under the jurisdiction of law enforcement and special bodies, carried out in the basic institution of higher education, which is attached to the selected face of higher education.


14. To carry out the field of organizational and advocacy and to discipline by the decision of the authorized body in the field of education to create a state commission to organize and conduct comprehensive testing of people entering higher education institutions (hereinafter - State Commission).


15. To monitor the implementation of the technology of complex testing in basic higher education institutions sent representatives of the authorized body in the field of education.


16. To participate in complex testing supplies coming to the selection committee of higher education institution a statement on a special form, certificate or diploma of secondary education (secondary), technical and vocational (primary or secondary vocational education, post-secondary) education (original) a receipt for testing, two photographs in the size 3x4, medical information form 086, as well as a copy of an identification document.


17. Acceptance of applications for participation in complex testing is conducted by admission committees of higher education institutions from 20 June to 9 July.


18. Comprehensive testing is conducted from 17 to 23 July.


19. Comprehensive testing is conducted at the request of entering the Kazakh and Russian languages in volume of secondary education curricula in four subjects: Kazakh or Russian language (the language of instruction), history of Kazakhstan, mathematics and subject of choice.


The list of professions with an indication of optional subjects and specialized subjects UNT and complex testing approved by the competent authority in the field of education.


20. At the comprehensive testing is given 2 hours 30 minutes. Retake the test is not allowed.


21. In carrying out complex testing is not allowed to change from place to place, exchange of examination materials, write off, put them in the audience and use of textbooks and other methodological literature, mobile communications (pager, cell phones).


22. In case of violation of paragraph 21 of the incoming of these regulations representative of the authorized body in the field of education is the act of detecting prohibited items and removal of the applicant, according to the Annex 1 to these Regulations and shall annul the results of testing.


23. In case of failure to pass the exam materials coming for treatment after the allotted time to complete testing, the representative of the authorized body in the field of education is an act in the form according to Annex 2 to these Regulations. The results of the examination of the material of the said person will not be processed.


24. The number of tests for each subject - 25. The correct answer to each test task is evaluated as one score.


25. Processing of the results of complex testing is conducted at a university where complex testing.


26. Codes of correct answers are posted after the processing of test results.


27. The results of complex testing are announced by the State Commission on the day of the meeting.


28. According to the results of complex testing is issued to each participant testing standard certificate, which is issued by the State Commission within three days after testing.


29. In order to ensure compliance with the common requirements and resolve contentious issues in the evaluation tests, the protection of the rights of participants of complex testing for the duration of the test created State Commission for Appeals (hereinafter - the Republican appeal commission) and Appeals Commission in each basic institution of higher education.


Appeal commission created to review applications of persons who do not agree with the results of comprehensive testing and / or content of the test tasks.


The Chairman and the composition of the Republican appeal commission approved by order of the authorized body in the field of education.


30. The Chairman of the Appeals Commission shall be approved by order of the authorized body in the field of education from among its members, and the composition - the chairman of the state commission on organizing and conducting comprehensive testing.


31. Appeals Commission receives and considers applications from test participants on the content of the test tasks and for technical reasons, submit a proposal to the Republican appeal commission on adding points face and inform him about the outcome of the appeal.


32. The application for appeal shall be addressed to the Chairman of the Appeals Commission personally party testing. Statements on the content of the test tasks and for technical reasons will be accepted until 13 am the next day after the announcement of the results of complex testing and considered the appeal commission within one day. The applicant must be in possession of a document proving his identity pass for testing.


Appeals Commission works with each person individually. In the event of non-face meeting at the Appeals Commission, its application for appeal is not considered.


The Appeals Committee is headed by the chairman of the Appeals Commission.


33. Judgment on the appeal of disagreement with the results of the test shall require a majority vote of all members of the committee. In case of equality of votes, the Chairman of the Commission is crucial. The Appeals Commission in the protocol signed by the chairman and all members of the commission.


34. Republican appeal commission considers the validity of the proposal to add points and the face of the Appeals Commission makes a decision.


The decision of the Republican appeal commission adopted by a majority vote of all the members of the commission. In case of equality of votes, the Chairman shall be decisive.


The decision of the Republican appeal commission issued a protocol signed by the chairman and all the members of the commission.


Enrollment in higher education institutions


35. Transfer in number of students is conducted by admission committees of higher education institutions from 10 to 25 August.


In the selection committee of higher education institutions received the application for admission apply the document on general secondary (general secondary), Technical and Vocational (primary and secondary vocational, post-secondary) or higher education (the original), 6 photos size 3x4, medical information form 086 certificate of UNT or complex testing, as well as a certificate of educational grants (if any).


36. Persons who have received a certificate of educational grants, apply for admission to the specified in the certificate of higher education and the number of students enrolled in the order of the rector of higher education.


Holders of certificates of educational grants for creative specialties are enrolled in higher education institutions in which they are handed special (creative) examinations.


37. In the national institutions of higher education on paid training credited alumni organizations of general secondary education this year, the last UNT, participants of complex testing, test results scored at least 70 points in the other institutions of higher education - not less than 50 points, the following subjects: state or Russian language (the language of instruction), history of Kazakhstan, mathematics and subject of choice, including not less than 7 points in a profile subject (at least 10 on each creative examination), and in other subjects - at least 4 points.


38. In the case of one of the items that must be submitted within the UNT or complex testing, less than 4 points, the person to be enrolled in the paid training or participate in the competition for the award of educational grants are not allowed.


Enrollment is conducted separately on specialties and language departments.


Admission to the specialty for which the established creative exams conducted with the scores on these exams.


39. For people entering higher education, where the training of pilots, compulsory medical examination in the medical-flight expert commissions with the issuance of a medical opinion for life to teaching in universities for training pilots.


40. In case of an incoming educational loans issued by banks entering credited to the number of students in higher education by granting them the relevant certificate from the bank of finding the documents under consideration.


At the same time he is given a reprieve on payment of the amount set forth in the contract and the provision of educational services to be paid before enrollment citizen, for the period of registration of an educational loan, but no more than four weeks after receipt of help from the bank.


41. Documents submitted in a foreign language must be notarized translation into Kazakh or Russian.


Education documents issued by foreign educational institutions, are in the process of nostrification in accordance with legislation of enrollment of persons during the first semester of study.


42. Transfer in number of students in higher education, law enforcement and special subordinate bodies, made by decision of the Credentials Committee of the institution of higher education in accordance with the points of the certificate based on the data on medical, physical and psychophysiological indicators.


43. Higher education institutions, regardless of ownership, are the authorized body in the field of education information in the form and in a timely manner, and after enrollment - within ten days of the final report on the organization and conduct of receiving a copy of the orders of enrollment of students, and and original certificates holders educational grant, give it up, and details of the persons (name, specialty), did not present themselves to the university.


44. Matters not regulated by these Model Regulations, independently solved by admission committees of higher educational institutions.


Appendix 1


to the Model Regulations for admission to study


in the organization of education,


realizing professional


higher education programs





detection of prohibited items and remove from the audience entrant who has violated the rules of behavior in the classroom




(basic university)


"_______" ______________ _____ 20 g. _______ hours. ________ minutes.


Representative of the Ministry ___________________________________________


(Surname, first name)


The duty to audiences ______________________________________________


(surname, first name)


Entrants: Name ________________________, ICT _______________ from the audience № ______, place № ______, version number _________ during testing found


(brand cell phone number and other necessary data are available, the crib with the content data, etc.)
which is a violation of paragraph 21 of the Model Rules of admission to the organization of education, realizing professional training programs of higher education.


Given this resolved:


- Withdraw the examination material;


- Remove from the audience № ___ and annul the results of the testing of the applicant: Name ._______________________________ ICT ______________




(signature and name of the individual, made this act)


familiar with the act: __________________________________________________


(signature and full name of applicant)


familiar with the act: __________________________________________________


(signature and name of the executive secretary of the base of the university)




Print basic institution


Date: ___________


Annex 2


to the Model Regulations for admission to study


in the organization of education,


realizing professional


higher education programs





revealing the fact of late delivery of examination materials entrant after the time of testing




(basic school)


"______" _______________ 201 ____ g h .______ ._______ min.


Representative of the Ministry ___________________________________________________________ (surname, first name)


The duty to audiences ___________________________________________________________ (surname, first name)


Applicant: Name _________________________ Oh, ICT _____________ from the audience № ___, place № ____, version number _______


Refused to pass the exam materials in a timely manner due to the end of testing time, which is a violation of paragraph 23 of the Model Rules of admission to the organization of education, realizing professional training programs of higher education.


Given this fact, decided:


-izyat examination material;


-Remove from the audience № ___ and annul the results of testing of applicants:


Full name ._________________________________________________________ ICT ______________________________________________________________




(signature and name: people made this act)


familiar with the act:




(signature and full name of applicant)


familiar with the act:




(signature and Φ IO executive secretary of the base of the university)




(print basic institution) Date: __________


Электронный университет
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