About KEU

University mission - Creation of all conditions, including modern infrastructure for growth and personal development of students and academic and administration staff of the university.

КEU defining trait - its innovative activity, advancing character of development

Decision of the Council of Ministers and Resolution of the Board Centrosoyuz USSR in 1966, was formed Karaganda Centrosoyuz Cooperative Institute - a specialized institution, which was entrusted with the mission of training for the system of consumer cooperatives, not only for their own republic, but also to Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan adjacent to Kazakhstan, the Russian regions.

The idea of training specialists with higher education in the Republic of Kazakh Union of Consumer Societies was supported by the Council of Ministers of the Kazakh SSR. The Council of Ministers Decree № 215 on March 22, 1966 and the Board Centrosoyuz USSR Decree number 84 of 9 June 1966 decided to open the Karaganda cooperative institute, which began its activities on the basis of a five-story academic building-Soviet Party School of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Kazakhstan, located in the center of Karaganda, next to the Regional Committee of the Communist Party of Kazakhstan, and transferred gratis Council of Ministers of Kazakh Consumers Unions (Ordinance of the Council of Ministers of the Kazakh SSR № 679-r dated April 29, 1966).

Institute almost became operational in the second mid-June 1966. Rector of the Institute was appointed an experienced business executive - head of the Karaganda Regional Department of Trade, the Great Patriotic War’s veteran Paul Filippovich Kotlyarov.

The building of the institute in 1966, located at 18140 m and 3223 m total usable area, where there was an auditorium for 450 people, two lecture halls for 150 people, 22 classrooms. Classroom Foundation allowed the Institute to engage in one shift.

In 1993, the university was transferred to the Kazpotrebsoyuz and transformed into the Kazakh Institute of Consumer Cooperatives. And after passing the state certification and its recommendations in 1995 Resolution of the Board Kazpotrebsoyuz from 5th of July, 1997 it was transformed into Karaganda Economical University of Kazpotrebsoyuz (KEUK).

The policy of the University:

  • Continuous work on maintaining and improving the image of the university, as the consumers of educational services, and the corporate world and the state;
  • Continuous improvement of all university processes according to international standard ISO 9001:2000;
  • The introduction of innovations, including innovative teaching technologies;
  • Formation of high information and communication culture;
  • To explore the cultural heritage of Kazakhstan.

The defining feature of KEUK - its innovation, advanced character development.

KEUK has 3 dormitories, a complex of bars, a center of medical services, sanatoriums, recreation, educational and recreational facilities, and sport halls.

KEUK has a palace of culture of the students in the structure of which consists of various creative associations of the University, the universal library, multimedia classrooms, information and educational center, the center of educational television.

The University consists of five departments: Accounting and Finance, Business and Law, Economics and Management and the two absentee-distance faculty, College of Economics, Business and Law, Centre for instructional television, computer center, laboratory of innovative teaching methods; Research and Education Center, Department of personnel management department of planning, organization, monitoring and control of educational process, the department of postgraduate and further education, Center for Quality and Marketing, Publishing Center, University Museum, Library, Information and Education Center.

KEUK has 7 distance learning centers in the cities of Astana, Kustanai, Shymkent, Pavlodar, Arkalyk, Semipalatinsk and Kyzylorda.

There are 17 chairs at the university. Teaching staff is 400 persons, from them - 22 professors, doctors of sciences and 168 candidates of sciences, senior lecturers. The number of enrolled students is 3500 and about 5 thousand students on distant learning courses.

KEUK is a member of Magna Charta Universitatum, signed it in September 2006. In 2008 the University entered into the International Association of Universities (IAU).

KEUK has a certified quality management system IQNet.

Karaganda Economical University Kazpotrebsoyuz is a specialized economic institution, which trains specialists, knowledgeable in the field of market relations, management and marketing, business and entrepreneurship, accounting and auditing, international economic relations, the legal regulation of economic activity, economic customs.

The university has a multi-level system of education: pre-university - Senior High School - College of Economics, Business and Law undergraduate bachelor's degree, postgraduate - Master's Degree, Post Graduate, Ph.D., the Council for the Protection of doctoral and master's theses.

During 2007-2008 published 25 monographs, 106 units of textbooks and teaching aids, 3 textbooks with a signature stamp of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

There is a post-graduate and doctoral study in three fields: "Economic Theory, Finance, credit and circulation" and "Economics and management of the economy. Since 2005, operates a doctoral dissertation council on the specialty 08.00.01 "Economic Theory", 08.00.05 "Economics and management of the economy (in the fields and spheres), 08.00.10" Financial, credit and circulation. For 5 years the Council's work of graduate students and applicants of the University protected 52 dissertations. In its work involved a number of scientists from the economic institutions of the CIS countries: from Moscow, Novosibirsk, Poltava and Samarkand.

In 2005 KEUK registered its quality management system.

In 2009 the University successfully passed the institutional accreditation, certification in 2010 the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The university regularly hosts international academic conferences, inviting scientists from Kazakhstan, Russia, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, and Belarus.

University publishes its scientific journal “KEU’s Bulletin”.

KEUK currently implemented case and the network of distance learning technologies, is a leader in Kazakhstan on implementation of credit and distance learning technologies in the humanities (MES Order № 441 of July 22, 2008) and included in the list of basic education institutions in priority areas of higher and postgraduate education MES.

KEUK concluded 26 agreements on economic cooperation with leading universities of the CIS and the world, including with the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (Moscow, Russia) State University - High School of Economics (Moscow, Russia), St. John's University (New York, USA), University of Regensburg (Germany), University of Trento (Italy), etc.

The university is working on four international grants TASIS and TEMPUS quality assurance study on the project "Creating a new curriculum on the theory of international trade and econometrics," university-Business ", ”Education and profession”.  In the framework of international grant was organized regional training seminar with the participation of employers in Karaganda region.

As the presidential program "Bolashak" 5 university students studying abroad, three teachers are holders of the title "Best teacher of the year, 6 students have scholarships of the President of Kazakhstan. According to the rating conducted by the Independent Kazakhstan Quality Assurance Agency for Education (IKQAAE), our university is among 60 leading universities of Kazakhstan and won 16th, and the humanitarian and economic area - 4th place.

In KEUK created a model of electron-innovative university. Electronic University is also distance learning university.

Currently, the university conducted the following activities:

1. Completion megaproject "Building an e-university";

2.Creating educational innovation center "Electronic Tax Committee" together with the Tax Committee of the Karaganda region;

3. A virtual enterprise (Kazakh and Russian version);

4. Information and Education Center;

5. Formation of new doctoral (PhD) programs in economics;

6. Pre Masters Program PFUR and HSE in the project "Double diploma education";

7. Development of remote-credit technology courses;

8. Creating an educational portal;

9. Obtaining international accreditation.
Электронный университет
3D тур КЭУ