• Conferences
  • "The future of modern society in youth's eyes: legal, financial-economic and cultural-moral aspects of development"

"The future of modern society in youth's eyes: legal, financial-economic and cultural-moral aspects of development"

"The future of modern society in youth's eyes: legal, financial-economic and cultural-moral aspects of development"On April 22, 2016 in the Kazpotrebsoyuz Karaganda economic university the International scientific and practical conference of students and undergraduates "The future of modern society in youth's eyes: legal, financial-economic and cultural-moral aspects of development" has taken place.
This scientific forum organized at the initiative of our university was held in honor of celebration of the 50 anniversary of the Kazpotrebsoyuz Karaganda economic university.
In general on conference more than 500 scientific articles, including more than 60 of them from foreign universities, have been sent, all of them are published in the collection of materials of conference.
To guests and conferees the Vice rector on scientific, to strategic and innovative development of KEUK Dmitriy Ulybyshev has handled welcome speech.
Within Plenary session Balanesku E., Zhorabek A.N., Orazbekova A. and other students' reports were heard.
Work of conference was continued within 21 sections.
During solemn closing of conference the results of work have been summed up and diplomas are handed to winners.


"The future of modern society in youth's eyes: legal, financial-economic and cultural-moral aspects of development" "The future of modern society in youth's eyes: legal, financial-economic and cultural-moral aspects of development" "The future of modern society in youth's eyes: legal, financial-economic and cultural-moral aspects of development"
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