Project Title: Jean Monnet Module "Gender Issue in Migration: European Approach"
Duration: 01.09.2024 – 01.19.2027
Working Group:
Abeuova S.T. – PhD in Economics, Associate Professor at the Department of "World Economy and International Relations"
Baigozhina G.M. – PhD, Senior Lecturer at the Department of "World Economy and International Relations"
Nevmatulina K.A. – PhD, Head of the Department of "Economics and Entrepreneurship"
The goal of the proposed module is to deepen the theoretical and practical knowledge of students interested in migration issues with the basics of gender analysis. The module explores the EU's experience in addressing gender issues in migration processes, as well as the practical application of human rights principles and gender equality in the development and implementation of migration policy.
The module includes the following main activities:
- Teaching (lectures and seminars according to the proposed program);
- Research;
- Events: seminars, round tables, etc.
This project will analyze some of the most pressing gender issues in modern labor migration and provide relevant examples of best practices from EU countries. Many EU countries demonstrate a wide range of innovative approaches to addressing the challenges faced by female labor migrants. Changes in gender relations don’t happen overnight, but gender-sensitive policies in all their forms can significantly improve the living and working conditions of female migrants.
The implementation and dissemination of the module's results will provide an opportunity to inform the public about the rights of every individual to fully and freely participate in societal life. To fully realize one's potential, it is essential to apply an inclusive and cross-sectoral gender approach: women, girls, and gender minorities disproportionately suffer from information inequality as a critically important audience. This inequality hinders society from achieving gender equality and prevents individuals from fully realizing their potential.