The visit of Professor Manuel Troshkov

The visit of Professor Manuel TroshkovFrom May 31 to June 7, the walls of the university attended a guest lecture on discipline "Introduction to scientific work" visiting professor, Dr. Manuela Troshkov of the Institute of Eastern Europe (Regensburg, Germany). Undergraduates, doctoral students, as well as students KEUK provided a wonderful opportunity to visit lectures by leading professors in Europe without having to travel abroad and learn from their experience and knowledge.


The visit of Professor Manuel Troshkov Ms. Manuela Troshkov studied economics, organization and management of production at Munich University. In 1998 she defended her thesis on "Energy Policy in Russia." In his studies, Manuel Troshkov focuses on the subject of corporate governance and problems of the economy and natural resources. In addition to the scientific work of the Institute Manuel Troshkov organizes projects with additional funding at the international level.
Numerous visits to the countries of Eastern Europe and Central Asia, the relevant language skills and case studies emphasize the high professional competence of Ms. Troshkov.
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