School of a young civil servant

School of a young civil servant

A school of young civil servants has been opening its doors in the Karaganda region for more than 15 years. The project is aimed at attracting talented and active young people to work in the civil service, developing their qualification abilities and professional skills. The School of a young civil servant is a bridge between promising youth and the state apparatus.

To explain this project, on September 12, 2023, the Director of the Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the Karaganda region Baybosynov Yerikzhan Berikbayevich and the chairman of the Council of Business Women of NCE Atameken Shiller Marina Vasilyevna visited the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz. Our students were fully informed about the "School of a Young Civil Servant".

This project is aimed at popularizing public service among young people and attracting the most talented and promising of them to the civil service.

The project implementation includes several stages: acceptance of documents for participation in the project, selection, training and internship.

Students were asked a lot of questions, to which they received exhaustive answers and expressed great interest in enrolling in training. This project is very useful for young people. Thanks to it, students will be able to learn useful information in the field of public service and feel the burden of responsibility of the service.

School of a young civil servantSchool of a young civil servantSchool of a young civil servant

Электронный университет
3D тур КЭУ