Implementation of the grant project

Implementation of the grant project

PhD, leading researcher - postdoctoral fellow, Associate Professor of the Department of Management and Innovation Salauatova D., Professor of the Department of Management and Innovation Tleuberdinova A. as part of the implementation of the grant project AR14972652 "Diversification of the economy of the Ulytau region through the development of the tourism industry" (supervisor Salauatova D.) to test the interim results of the study, they participated in the IATE PhD workshop and made a presentation at the 7th QATEM seminar "Quantitative approaches in the economy and management of tourism", organized by the International Association of Tourism Economists (IATE) and the Polytechnic University of Hauts-de-France (LARSH) in Valenciennes (France), June 28-30, 2023.


Implementation of the grant project Implementation of the grant project
Электронный университет
3D тур КЭУ