"Leader-financier of the XXI century"
On April 27, 2023, within the walls of the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz held the Republican Student Subject Olympiad (RSSO) "Leader-Financier of the XXI century" on the topic: "Formation of a new paradigm of the financial system in the conditions of transformation and global risks" among students of universities of Kazakhstan and students of colleges and schools.
The purpose of the RSSO is:
- Actualization of scientific and practical aspects of the financial system in the context of the development of innovative mechanisms of a socially-oriented society in the context of global risks, transformational refraction and the formation of an innovative financial architecture.
- Development of creative abilities of students, improvement of their educational level in order to identify gifted young people with proactive skills to conduct analytical, research, production activities in various segments of the financial sector for the development and implementation of digital solutions at the level of interdisciplinary sciences in the field of modern business and financial technologies.
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Prominent figures of the civil service and top managers of the financial market of the country were also invited as a jury:
1. Head of the "Treasury Department for the Karaganda region of the Treasury Committee of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan" - Tyulupov Erlan Kuanyshevich
2. Head of the Department of Explanatory Work of the Department of State Revenue in the Karaganda region - Botpaeva Bakytgul Baidashevna
3. Regional Director of the financial company "Freedom Broker" – Sadykov Ernar Burkitovich;
4. Regional Director of JSC MFO "Online Kazfinance" – Musabekova Saida Amangeldyevna;
5. Director of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs "Atameken" - Kulpeisov Ernar Daulovich;
6. Director of the Association of Entrepreneurs of the Karaganda region - Serik Malibekovich Sanaubaev;
7. Director of JSC Insurance company "Nomad Insurance" branch of Karaganda - Nurtdenov Ruslan Ilgezirovich;
8. Director of CF JSC "People's Bank of Kazakhstan" - Puntus Valery Anatolyevich;
9. Director of the CF of Nurbank JSC, Karaganda – Mukazhanov Abylai Muratovich;
10. DeputyDirectors of CF JSC "Jysan Bank" – Nugman Kamanovich Raimkhanov;
11. Director of the branch of the branch of JSC "BankCentrCredit" Karaganda – Dyusenov Rustam Kakimzhanovich – Chairman of the jury;
12. Head of the Personal service Center of CF JSC “People's Bank of Kazakhstan” – Abdysadykova Botagoz Mukhametsadykovna;
13. Head of the structural division of the CF of JSC “Bereke Bank” – An Elizaveta Evgenievna;
14. Chief Manager of the Card Business Center of CF JSC “Halyk Bank of Kazakhstan” – Umarbayeva Indira Maksutovna
Among the invited universities took an active part:
1. NAO "Atyrau University named after H.Dosmukhamedov"
2 . NAO "North Kazakhstan University named afterManasha Kozybayeva"
3 . Private Private Educational Institution "West Kazakhstan University of Innovation and Technology"
4 . NAO "Narkhoz University"
5 . Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
6 . Kazakh National Agrarian Research University
7 . NAO "Kokshetau University named after Sh.Ualikhanov"
8 . NAO "Kostanay Regional University named after A.Baitursynov"
9 . Kokshetau University named afterAbaya Myrzakhmetov
10. A.K.Kusainov Eurasian Humanitarian Institute
11. Institution "Turan University"
12. Educational institution "Almaty Management University"
13. Institution "Esil University"
14. Karaganda University named after E.A.Buketov
The subject Olympiad consisted of 3 rounds (the contest "Showing videos", "Blitz tournament" and "Project Defense"). The Olympiad was held in an acute struggle. All the teams once again showed excellent knowledge in the field of finance and economics. According to the results of the Republican student subject Olympiad "Leader-Financier of the XXI century", the places were distributed as follows:
1st place: "Univesritet Turan" - Almaty;
2nd place: Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz, Karaganda University named after E.A.Buketov;
3rd place: NAO "Narkhoz University", Eurasian Humanitarian Institute named after A.K.Kusainov, UO "Almaty Management University".