«Miss KPS University 2023»

«Miss KPS University 2023»

On March 30, the beauty contest "Miss KPS University 2023" was held at the Palace of Culture of Students of the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz.
The annual major event was held at the walls of the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz "Miss KPS University 2023", which was attended by 9 beauties from different faculties.
The contestants competed in five rounds.
The first is a business card in which the participants presented their videos, with a brief story about themselves and their talents.
In the second round, they demonstrated a business style.
The third round is an intellectual competition.
The contest showed that girls can shine not only with their beauty.
The fourth and brightest round is a creative competition. Each number was unpredictable and aroused the audience's special interest and loud reaction.
The fifth round, as in any beauty contest, is a graceful fashion show. This tour especially emphasized the beauty of the participants. The girls walked around the stage as if on a catwalk in beautiful dresses.
The sponsors of the event and members of the jury were the well-known beauty and leisure industry networks "KRASOTA.KRG", "Lova-Lova", "Brilliance", "Ospanova Event Group", "Only You", "Letta Production", "Lampoch_krg", "Sova dance bar", "Imanova_beauty.salon” and "Sava media".
As a result of all rounds of the competition, the jury determined the winners. The title "Miss KPS University 2023" was won by Kamila Abisheva, a second-year student of the Faculty of Business, Law and Technology. "Vice-Miss" was Aruzhan Sadykova, a third-year student of the Faculty of Economics, Management and Entrepreneurship. The audience prize rightfully went to Elizaveta Kondratyuk, a second-year student of the Faculty of Finance, Logistics and Digital Technologies.
None of the contestants remained without the attention of the jury and fans. They were awarded in the nominations "Miss Charm", "Miss Business Style", "Miss Intelligence", "Miss Talent", "Miss Creativity", "Miss Smile" and "Miss Grace", as well as ovations and flowers from the enthusiastic audience.


«Miss KPS University 2023» «Miss KPS University 2023» «Miss KPS University 2023»  
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