UNPC «DAMU»: strategic partnership in improving the socio-psychological training of students

UNPC «DAMU»: strategic partnership in improving the socio-psychological training of students

Primary health care is the basis of a system of medical care based on a biopsychosocial model and includes measures for the prevention, diagnosis, treatment of diseases and conditions, social and medical rehabilitation, healthy lifestyle formation and sanitary and hygienic education of the population. The provision of affordable and high-quality primary health care depends on the professionalism of specialists, including social workers and psychologists of the healthcare system.
The Department of Psychology, Pedagogy and Social Work interacts on an ongoing basis with the partners of the UNPC from medical institutions. Employees of MF “Hippocrates“ LLP held a ”platinum“ lecture on ”Socio-psychological work at the level of primary health care” for students of the educational programs ”Psychology and Management in Education“ and ”Social work". Speaker of the lecture: Deputy Director of the Socio-psychological Service for Social Issues of MF “Hippocrates" LLP Nesterova V.A., Zakharova Alyona Denisovna - clinical psychologist, Palagina Natalia, Zolotykh Natalia - social work specialists, Kindzerskaya Victoria Yuryevna - obstetrician-gynecologist. There was a discussion of socio-psychological methods and technologies for the formation of a healthy lifestyle, strengthening the reproductive health of young people, stress management and stress resistance.


UNPC «DAMU»: strategic partnership in improving the socio-psychological training of students UNPC «DAMU»: strategic partnership in improving the socio-psychological training of students
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