Students of the educational program "Marketing" became holders of the Diploma of the III degree

Students of the educational program "Marketing" became holders of the Diploma of the III degree

On December 01, 2022, students of the OP "Marketing" took part in the VI International Student Correspondence Olympiad organized by the Department of "Business Technologies" of the Higher School of Economics and Business of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University.
Scientific supervisors of the team, Doctor of Economics, Professor G.E. Nakipova, master, senior lecturer E.A. Krasnoshchekova were engaged in the preparation of students. Nazgul Aukenova, Anastasia Oganezova, Maria Skolkova, Natalia Stupnitskaya and Albina Shagieva as part of the team completed the proposed tasks: they wrote an essay on the topic "Digital Trends and tasks of a digital marketer", and also prepared a project – "Product promotion strategy at different stages of the life cycle".
When summing up the results of the VI International Student Correspondence Olympiad, the jury revealed the winners for each place in the team competition. The team of the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz took the III place.
We wish the students further success and many victories!


Students of the educational program "Marketing" became holders of the Diploma of the III degree Students of the educational program "Marketing" became holders of the Diploma of the III degree Students of the educational program "Marketing" became holders of the Diploma of the III degree
Students of the educational program "Marketing" became holders of the Diploma of the III degree Students of the educational program "Marketing" became holders of the Diploma of the III degree Students of the educational program "Marketing" became holders of the Diploma of the III degree
Электронный университет
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