Round table on the topic: "Modernization and digitalization of education in modern Kazakhstan"

Round table on the topic: "Modernization and digitalization of education in modern Kazakhstan"

On November 18, the Department of SPD and APK held a round table on the topic: "Modernization and digitalization of education in modern Kazakhstan".
The round table was attended by students of the TPP-22-21k group: "Digital Education" Yertysbaeva Aruzhan, "Digital bilim resources" Abil Zhazira, supervisor Issabekova Anar Sabyrzhanovna, Yu-22-2 "Modernization of education in modern Kazakhstan" Shiryaeva Irina, supervisor Nikambekova Assel Bayzakovna and student of the PiMO-21 group-1sz "Clip thinking" Abdina Zhanat, scientific supervisor Klishina Marina Vasilyevna.
Topical issues of digitalization of education, which is a distinctive feature of modern modernization of education, were discussed. Students got acquainted with the State Program "Digital Kazakhstan", which was approved on December 12, 2017 by the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan № 827. The successful implementation of the program was supposed to provide an additional impetus for the technological modernization of the country's flagship industries. Terms of implementation of the program: 2018-2022. The social result of the program was to increase the standard of living of all citizens of the country.
The features of the modernization process of modern education, the improvement of digital literacy, the features of clip thinking were discussed.


Round table on the topic: "Modernization and digitalization of education in modern Kazakhstan" Round table on the topic: "Modernization and digitalization of education in modern Kazakhstan"
Round table on the topic: "Modernization and digitalization of education in modern Kazakhstan" Round table on the topic: "Modernization and digitalization of education in modern Kazakhstan"
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