Educational, scientific and production complex “DAMU": expansion of cooperation

Educational, scientific and production complex “DAMU": expansion of cooperation

One of the main tasks for the development of educational programs implemented by the Department of Psychology, Pedagogy and Social Work is to expand cooperation within the framework of the Educational, Scientific and Production Complex “DAMU".
On September 28, a meeting of the department was held with the invitation of T.V. Lyubchanskaya, head of the laboratory of socio-psychological support of the Republican Scientific and Practical Center for Additional Education "Saryarka Daryny". During the meeting, the main areas of cooperation were discussed, including, with the support of the Educational Television Center, the creation of documentaries and social videos on topical issues of socio-psychological support for children and families. The meeting resulted in the signing of an Agreement on the UNPC “Damu” and an agreement on the passage of professional practice by students of the OP “Social Work” and “Psychology and Management in Education”.
There was a meeting of T.V. Lyubchanskaya with students of the educational programs of the department, during which a lecture was given on the topic "Current directions of socio-psychological activity in education". The lecture provided information about the concept of the worlds of SPOD, VUCA and BANI, historically replacing one another, which marks changes in the environment and the need for adaptation of those people who found these changes. The lecturer noted the special role of specialists in helping professions in creating psychological, pedagogical and social conditions for successful training, development, socialization of students and the formation of an informed choice of professional educational trajectory.


Educational, scientific and production complex “DAMU": expansion of cooperation Educational, scientific and production complex “DAMU": expansion of cooperation Educational, scientific and production complex “DAMU": expansion of cooperation
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