Results of the Olympiad in Higher Mathematics

Results of the Olympiad in Higher MathematicsOn 28th of April in 2022 Teachers of the Department of "Higher Mathematics" organized and held on mathematical Olympiad among students of economic specialties of universities and colleges in Karaganda at the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz. 24 students took part in this event: 5 students of KarU named after academician E.A. Buketov and 19 students of KarUK. At the Olympiad, students were offered questions on higher mathematics of the economic direction.
Results of the Olympiad in Higher Mathematics:
1st place-Kalinina Alexandra (KarUK, gr. F-21-2)
2nd place -Diana Tleubergenova (KarU named after academician E.A. Buketov, 1st year)
2nd place-Akanov Asar (KarUK, gr. UA-21-2)
3rd place-Malika Tulenova (KarUK, gr. GMU-21-2)
3rd place-Alina Alimbayeva (KarUK, gr. F-21-2)
3rd place-Vasilyeva Madina (KarUK, gr. E-21-2)


Results of the Olympiad in Higher Mathematics Results of the Olympiad in Higher Mathematics Results of the Olympiad in Higher Mathematics
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