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  • XII Eurasian Economic Youth Forum "Russia and the Regions of the World: the embodiment of ideas and the economy of opportunities"

XII Eurasian Economic Youth Forum "Russia and the Regions of the World: the embodiment of ideas and the economy of opportunities"

XII Eurasian Economic Youth Forum "Russia and the Regions of the World: the embodiment of ideas and the economy of opportunities"

The results of the XII Eurasian Economic Youth Forum "Russia and the Regions of the world: the embodiment of ideas and the economy of opportunities", which was held in Ekaterinburg, Ural State University of Economics on April 25-29, 2022, were summed up.
Every year the number and geography of participants of the Eurasian Economic Youth Forum is rapidly expanding.
For the first time in the history of the EEFM, the event was held in two formats at once: face—to-face and online - for representatives of universities abroad.
The largest Russian universities became partners in 2022: the Diplomatic Academy of the Russian Foreign Ministry, RUDN, MGIMO, MSU and the Pushkin State Institute of the Russian Language.
The number of universities in the CIS countries exceeded the number of Russian among the participants, which indicates the growing international interest in the youth forum.
XII EEFM surpassed the figures of previous years in the number of scientific paper competitions. There were 42 of them, which is 6 more than at the previous forum, many were organized jointly with experts from partner universities.
Among the competitive works was the work of a student of the MO-19-2 group, the educational program "International Relations", Pak Marina on the topic "The influence of a sense of panic on consumer behavior on the example of a pandemic in Kazakhstan" (scientific supervisor – G.K. Kalieva).
Congratulations to Marina on receiving a diploma of the III degree, an order and a cash prize of 5,000 rubles in the international competition of scientific articles by young scientists and students "Problems of Economic Theory and Behavioral Economics", held within the framework of the Congress of Economists and Financiers of the Ural State University of Economics (USUE) in cooperation with the Institute of Economics of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Institute of Economics of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences), Ural Branch of the Free Economic Society of Russia.


XII Eurasian Economic Youth Forum "Russia and the Regions of the World: the embodiment of ideas and the economy of opportunities" XII Eurasian Economic Youth Forum "Russia and the Regions of the World: the embodiment of ideas and the economy of opportunities" XII Eurasian Economic Youth Forum "Russia and the Regions of the World: the embodiment of ideas and the economy of opportunities"
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