Professional work of the department "Management and Innovation"

Professional work of the department "Management and Innovation"

As part of career guidance, the teachers of the department, Ph.D. in Economics, Professor Legostaeva A.A. and Associate Professor, PhD Jazykbayeva B.K. a meeting was organized with graduates of the bachelor's and master's programs of the EP "Management", as well as with practitioners (Karaganda Regional Center for the Prevention and Control of AIDS, Miras Clinic, Central Regional Hospital of Bukhar-Zhyrau District, SDEK LLP, Aknar LLP, LLP " Profit Group, etc.).

During the conversation, up-to-date information on admission and training in master's and doctoral studies was provided. It was especially noted that admission to the magistracy and doctoral studies will be held twice a year: in August and additionally in December. And what if, following the results of the summer admission and the examinations for master's and doctoral studies, there are still unassigned grants, applicants will be able to apply for them in December of this year. Also, answers were received to questions about the rules for admission to the magistracy and doctoral studies, what procedures the applicant needs to go through, what documents need to be submitted, in what format the exams will be held.

Professional work of the department "Management and Innovation"Professional work of the department "Management and Innovation"Professional work of the department "Management and Innovation"Professional work of the department "Management and Innovation"

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