The guests of the university are graduates of Karaganda Higher College «Bolashaq»

The guests of the university are graduates of Karaganda Higher College «Bolashaq»

The question of choosing a profession is the most difficult and responsible step in every person's life. Choosing a profession requires care.
When choosing a profession, a graduate should take into account his abilities, inner beliefs and real opportunities, finding answers to the questions "I want", "I can", "I need".
In order to choose the profession you like and provide for yourself throughout your life, first a person needs to know himself. Every graduate knows their capabilities at a certain level. Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz provides a unique opportunity for the full disclosure of the potential of the future specialist. On March 29, graduates of the 2021-2022 educational program "Social Work" of Karaganda Higher College "Bolashaq" became guests of our university.




The guests of the university are graduates of Karaganda Higher College «Bolashaq»

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