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  • The Message of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan was discussed at the Department of "Management and Innovation"

The Message of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan was discussed at the Department of "Management and Innovation"

The Message of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan was discussed at the Department of "Management and Innovation"

On September 10, 2021, a meeting of the Faculty of the department was held at the Department of Management and Innovation with the participation of the Dean of the Faculty of Economics, Management and Entrepreneurship G. I. Gimranova and undergraduates of the educational program " Management "to discuss the President's Address to the people of Kazakhstan dated 01.09.2021"Unity of the people and systemic reforms – a solid foundation for the prosperity of the country".

The meeting was opened by the acting head of the department, D. M. Salauatova, presenting the main issues of the Address and identifying new tasks for the development of the country.
During the event, Doctor of Economics, Professor Sikhimbayeva D. R., Doctor of Economics, Professor Pritvorova T. P., Master, teacher Zulkharnai A. N. made speeches.
In general, the participants noted the strategic nature of the third Message of the head of State K. Tokayev, aimed at implementing systemic reforms in all spheres of public life in the post-pandemic period, which are possible under the condition of the unity of the Kazakh people and interethnic harmony in society.



The Message of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan was discussed at the Department of "Management and Innovation" The Message of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan was discussed at the Department of "Management and Innovation" The Message of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan was discussed at the Department of "Management and Innovation"
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