CONGRATULATIONS!Congratulations to the student of gr. MN-41k of the educational program 6B04102 "Management» Rakhym Inkar Yerbolatkyzy and PhD supervisor, Associate Professor Baldyrgan Koldasbayevna Jazykbayeva with a diploma of the First Degree for participation in the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Youth and Science: a new vision and dialectic of development"! We
wish you further creative success and new victories!
Congratulations to the student of PIM-19-1 of the educational program 6B04111 "Project and innovation management" Rakhimgulov Islam Bulatovich and the PhD supervisor, associate professor Jazykbayeva Baldyrgan Koldasbayevnuspol-ing a diploma for taking the first place in the All-Russian Olympiad in the discipline "Fundamentals of Management", organized by the All-Russian media of the Educational portal "Academy of Intellectual Development"! We wish you further creative success and new victories!
Congratulations to the 1st year student of the educational program 6B04102 "Management" Kristina Dmitrievna Sevalieva and the supervisor of the Candidate of Economic Sciences, Professor Anna Anatolyevna Legostaeva on receiving a diploma for participation in the International Conference of Students and Undergraduates "Current problems of the world Economy and Management", which was held in the Belarusian Trade and Economic University of Consumer Cooperation!
We wish you success and new achievements!
Congratulations to the student gr.PIM-19-1 educational program 6В04111 "Design and innovative management" Rakhimgulov Islam Bulatovic and scientific supervisor of PhD, associate Professor Jazykbayeva Baldyrgan Koldybaev diploma for the participation in the International conference of students and undergraduates "Actual problems of international Economics and management", held in EE "Belarusian trade-economic University of consumer cooperation"!
We wish you success and new achievements!
Congratulations to the master's student of the educational program "Management»Madiyar Bakhtiarovich Rashitov and PhD supervisor, Associate Professor Baldyrgan Koldasbayevna Jazykbayeva with a diploma of the First degree for participating in the Republican scientific and practical conference "New Generation and modern problems of economic development of the Republic of Kazakhstan"! We wish you further victories in your research activities!


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