Online webinar "Payroll accounting in 1C: Accounting"

Online webinar "Payroll accounting in 1C: Accounting"On March 16, 2021, an online webinar was held with the participation of the director of TabysAuditConsulting LLP Underis Erkebulan on the topic "Payroll accounting in 1C: Accounting". During the webinar, the issue of all deductions on wages, changes and innovations for adjusting wages was considered. Underis Yerkebulan demonstrated in detail the entire payroll accounting in the program. The moderator of this online webinar was the teacher of the Department of Accounting and Auditing, M.E. Khasenova. The faculty of the Department of Accounting and Auditing, together with students of the educational program "Accounting and Auditing" took an active part in the webinar..


Online webinar "Payroll accounting in 1C: Accounting" Online webinar "Payroll accounting in 1C: Accounting"
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