"How do the ethnic groups of Kazakhstan say "thank you"?»

"How do the ethnic groups of Kazakhstan say "thank you"?»01 Mar 2021 in celebration of the Day of Gratitude for the initiative of the Faculty of Economics, management and business conducted online interactive quiz on the topic: "How to say "thank you" ethnic groups of Kazakhstan" among University students.
The game was played in Zoom using the Kahoot system. Students were presented with 30 questions consisting of only one question: "As they say..." with 4 possible answers. In a hard fight, it was not clear with the leader in points. With a large competition of participants, the leaders were determined only by the end of the game. They were Temirlan Kadir from VT-20-1k (3rd place), Igor Sorokin from VT-20-4s (2nd place) and Victoria Strizhko from GMU-19-2 (1st place).
We congratulate the winners of this game. And we thank all the students for participating in it!


"How do the ethnic groups of Kazakhstan say "thank you"?» "How do the ethnic groups of Kazakhstan say "thank you"?» "How do the ethnic groups of Kazakhstan say "thank you"?»
  "How do the ethnic groups of Kazakhstan say "thank you"?»  
 "How do the ethnic groups of Kazakhstan say "thank you"?» "How do the ethnic groups of Kazakhstan say "thank you"?»  "How do the ethnic groups of Kazakhstan say "thank you"?»
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