Kazakh national costume - subject of Kazakh material culture

Kazakh national costume - subject of Kazakh material culture

On February 15, 2021, the Department of "Social Work and APK" held a round table "Kazakh national costume-a subject of Kazakh material culture", dedicated to the 30th anniversary of sovereign Kazakhstan, with the participation of teachers and students of the Karaganda Industrial and Technological College.
University students told about the varieties and features of the Kazakh national costume (K. Nazarova); military clothing and equipment of a nomad (V. Kravchenko); wedding dress, jewelry and accessories (Vaskovskaya K.,); women's, men's and children's headdresses (Kikimova D.B); children's national clothes (Trubitskaya E.); traditional elements in modern clothing (K. Khabarova).
The round table was attended by D.B. Malaev, head of the department of Communal state institution "Kogamdyk kelisim"; teachers of the department, university students.


Kazakh national costume - subject of Kazakh material culture Kazakh national costume - subject of Kazakh material culture Kazakh national costume - subject of Kazakh material culture
Kazakh national costume - subject of Kazakh material culture Kazakh national costume - subject of Kazakh material culture Kazakh national costume - subject of Kazakh material culture
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