Kazakh national costume - subject of Kazakh material culture

Kazakh national costume - subject of Kazakh material culture

On February 10, 2021, the department "Social work and APK" held a round table "Kazakh national costume - the subject of Kazakh material culture",dedicated to the 30th anniversary of sovereign Kazakhstan.
The participants of the round table got acquainted with the 8 wonder of the world, the main archaeological discovery of Kazakhstan - the Golden Man (Altyn Adam), its military equipment and decoration.
University students told about the varieties and features of the Kazakh national costume (K. Nazarova); military clothing and equipment of a nomad (V. Kravchenko); wedding dress, jewelry and accessories (Vaskovskaya K.,); women's, men's and children's headdresses (Kikimova D.B); children's national clothes (Trubitskaya E.); traditional elements in modern clothing (K. Khabarova).
The round table was attended by D.B. Malaev, head of the department of Communal state institution "Kogamdyk kelisim"; teachers of the department, university students.


Kazakh national costume - subject of Kazakh material culture Kazakh national costume - subject of Kazakh material culture Kazakh national costume - subject of Kazakh material culture Kazakh national costume - subject of Kazakh material culture
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