Legal sports

Legal sports25 Dec 2020 on the basis of the Karaganda economic University Kazpotrebsoyuz held regional Olympics among students of legal specialties of Karaganda, devoted to the 20 anniversary of the adoption of the constitutional law "On judicial system and status of judges".
In the team competition, the team of the Karaganda economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz "Yuristokraty", as part of the team: Akhmetova Adilzhan of the group Yu-44, Goryaeva Elizaveta Yu-44, Shubaev Adil Yu-42K, Petrova Anastasia Yu-18-7C. we took the second place of honor!
4-year student of the faculty of business, law and technology Akhmetov Adilzhan was recognized in the best captain category. In the essay contest, organized within the framework of this sports contest, students of the group Yu - 44 Goryaeva E. and Alkenova Zh. group Yu-41k were awarded certificates of honor for the III place.
Congratulations to the participants of the legal Olympiad!!!


Legal sports Legal sports
Legal sports Legal sports
Электронный университет
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