«Kazakhstan's patriotism and religion»

«Kazakhstan's patriotism and religion»

The Dean of the faculty of business, law and technology held a meeting with the theologian of the Center for research and analysis of problems of inter-confessional relations of the Karaganda region Kerimov Aibek on the topic "Kazakhstan patriotism and religion". The webinar addressed the current issues of patriotism and religion. At the end of the webinar, the students concluded: Patriotic education of young people is an integral part of the development of the entire civil society on the way to sustainable and sustainable progress. Thanks to the revival of the national memory of the people, its history and culture, the spiritual component is revived — religion, which accumulates a system of universal values — love, respect, humanism, compassion, honesty, responsibility, which make up the unshakable facets of patriotism.


«Kazakhstan's patriotism and religion»

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