KEU students ' Start-up project was among the winners

KEU students ' Start-up project was among the winners

On December 4, 2020, ENU hosted an international competition for University students and undergraduates: "The Best innovative start-up project".
The purpose of the competition is to encourage young people to engage in science and invention, develop skills for commercializing the results of work, prepare for entrepreneurship and entering the market.
47 teams took part in the competition. The contest start –up project of students KEU Asyltas Ramazankyzy, Shakhrizada Ertaykyzy (GMU-18-1), Aizada Abdrakhmanova (GMU-19-1, Scientific edviser Ertay H.) took 3rd place. They developed a prototype of the "DIGITAL UNIVERSITY" mobile app.
We congratulate our students on their well-deserved victory and wish them further success!


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