Briefing "Student youth - the most important resource of Independent Kazakhstan".

Briefing "Student youth - the most important resource of Independent Kazakhstan".On November 30, 2020, the KEUK hosted a briefing "Student youth - the most important resource of Independent Kazakhstan". Summing up the results of the Year of the Volunteer within the framework of the "Rukhani Zhagyru" Program and the Problems of Preventing the Influence of the Ideas of Radicalism and the Protest Movement ", dedicated to the Day of the First President, the Year of the Volunteer and the upcoming parliamentary elections.
The participants in the briefing gave a political and sociological analysis of the tradition of volunteerism and the history of protest movements in the world and in Kazakhstan. The leitmotif of the briefing was the priority tasks of the formation of civil society: providing every citizen with equal opportunities to realize their potential and the formation of a healthy intellectual nation, which prioritizes civil peace, interethnic and inter-confessional harmony.
The briefing made it possible to discuss the problem of forming an active civic position among student youth, which implies an awareness of responsibility for the future of their country as a condition for the formation of an ideological, moral and civil value system of an individual.
At the briefing, the peculiarities of the civic position of student youth in Kazakhstan were noted: the constructive and creative role of the volunteer movement and a critical attitude towards the protest movement, resulting in street riots.
The briefing was organized and conducted by the teaching staff of the Department of SR and ANC: Klishina M.V., Seifullina G.R., Puntus E.A., Isina S.S., director of the Center for Youth Initiatives Idirisova A.T., deputy. Dean of FBPiT on educational work Zholomanova M.K. with the invitation of volunteers: A. Ermeka, B. Uzakhova, M. Kabidollova, D. Musabekova, D. Gisa


Briefing "Student youth - the most important resource of Independent Kazakhstan". Briefing "Student youth - the most important resource of Independent Kazakhstan". Briefing "Student youth - the most important resource of Independent Kazakhstan".
Briefing "Student youth - the most important resource of Independent Kazakhstan". Briefing "Student youth - the most important resource of Independent Kazakhstan". Briefing "Student youth - the most important resource of Independent Kazakhstan".
Briefing "Student youth - the most important resource of Independent Kazakhstan". Briefing "Student youth - the most important resource of Independent Kazakhstan". Briefing "Student youth - the most important resource of Independent Kazakhstan".
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