Sports and tourism: interaction and prospects for cooperation

Sports and tourism: interaction and prospects for cooperationThe master of sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan in tourist all-around Mikhailov Daniil spoke about the development of tourist all-around in the Karaganda region and Kazakhstan, the prospects for the development of sports tourism and the organization of tourist trips at a meeting with students of the educational programs "Tourism" and "Physical culture and sports management".
For the first time, students learned about Daniil thanks to the video challenge “Starting the morning with sports” on the University's Instagram. Daniil is a student of the group FKiSM-20-5s, studying under the educational program "Physical culture and sports management". Since 2015, Daniil has been a multiple winner and medalist of the championships of the Republic of Kazakhstan and international competitions in tourist all-around.

 Sports and tourism: interaction and prospects for cooperation

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