Modern education in the context of digitalization.

Modern education in the context of digitalization.

On November 16, 2020, the Department of Social Work and the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan held a round table on the topic "Modern education in the context of digitalization." The digitalization trend was identified by the roundtable participants as a key development vector in almost all areas of activity. The problems and difficulties of the digitalization process in the educational sphere of Kazakhstan were voiced in the speeches of T. Baltashova, student of group MO-19-1k, Smailova A., students of group MO-19-2, Rozhkov K., student of group F-19-2, Pronina O., student of group TUR-19-2. Summing up the results of the work, the organizers of the round table are Candidate of Philosophy, Professor M.V. Klishina, Candidate of Philosophy, Associate Professor G.R. Seifullina, PhD, Senior Lecturer N.E. Tutinova noted that the digitalization trend is giving rise to a new paradigm of education based on an innovative technological platform, the demands of the labor market and society as a whole.


Modern education in the context of digitalization. Modern education in the context of digitalization.
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