Meeting with graduates of gymnasium No. 97.

Meeting with graduates of gymnasium No. 97.On 11.11.2020, the Department of Accounting and audit held an online career guidance meeting with students of the 11th grade of gymnasium No. 97. During the meeting, information was provided on all changes in the rules for passing the UNT and the grant competition in 2021. The meeting was attended by the Director of the center for career guidance and public relations Ivadilinova L. H, Executive Secretary of the admissions Committee Krasnashchekova E. A. the information Provided especially interested the graduates, and they received answers to all their questions. In General, the meeting was held in a warm and friendly atmosphere. The meeting was moderated by the teacher, master of Economics M. E. Khasenova.


Meeting with graduates of gymnasium No. 97. Meeting with graduates of gymnasium No. 97. Meeting with graduates of gymnasium No. 97.
Электронный университет
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