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  • Distance Olympiad on the subject "Financial accounting" among College students Karaganda dedicated to the memory of candidate of economic Sciences, Professor K. A. Kitabevi

Distance Olympiad on the subject "Financial accounting" among College students Karaganda dedicated to the memory of candidate of economic Sciences, Professor K. A. Kitabevi

Distance Olympiad on the subject "Financial accounting" among College students Karaganda dedicated to the memory of candidate of economic Sciences, Professor K. A. Kitabevi

On November 9, 2020, the Department of Accounting and audit held an Olympiad on financial accounting among students of colleges in Karaganda.
Purpose of the Olympiad:
- identification of gifted youth and their attraction for admission to the Karaganda University of Economics;
- stimulating educational and research activities of College students;
4 teams from 3 colleges took part in the Olympiad: Karaganda banking College named after Zh.K. Bukenov, College of Economics, business and law and Kostanay higher economic College of Kazpotrebsoyuz. A total of 56 people took part-20 participants, 13 people – fans and 5 teachers-team leaders.
The Olympiad was held in two rounds, the 1st round was held on the classroom platform.google.com in the form of testing, the second round was held on the Zoom platform, where participants demonstrated their creativity and creative thinking. While the jury members made decisions and evaluated the teams, the participants were shown a video about the University.
According to the results of the Olympiad in the team event the 1st place took the team "the debit with the credit friends" Kustanai higher economic College of Kazpotrebsoyuz, 2 – team "On balance" of the College of Economics, business and law, 3 rd place – team "Sama" College of Economics, business and law and a letter of thanks and commemorative prize was awarded to the team "Facilities" Karaganda Bank College named after Z. K. Bukenov.


Distance Olympiad on the subject "Financial accounting" among College students Karaganda dedicated to the memory of candidate of economic Sciences, Professor K. A. Kitabevi Distance Olympiad on the subject "Financial accounting" among College students Karaganda dedicated to the memory of candidate of economic Sciences, Professor K. A. Kitabevi Distance Olympiad on the subject "Financial accounting" among College students Karaganda dedicated to the memory of candidate of economic Sciences, Professor K. A. Kitabevi
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